Words from the Commission Chair
Congratulations to Editor Thomas and the staff of The Christian Recorder as you celebrate 165 continuous years of publishing! This celebration of almost two centuries is a distinguished honor. As the oldest African American publication, The Christian Recorder has remained a veritable source of information within and without the African Methodist Episcopal Church. I pay tribute to the past editors whose labors have contributed to the sustainability of this publication over these 165 years.
The Christian Recorder is an inveterate part of our lives. It has withstood tense and odious periods in the time when African Americans’ civil rights were challenged and helped to shine the light on discriminatory issues. It continues to do so to this day. AMEs embrace the ownership of The Christian Recorder, a portal for relatable stories and information, with pride. In its print and electronic editions, The Christian Recorder serves the present age while simultaneously communicating to readers that it honors its legacy and continues to grow its influence.
I pray God’s blessings for the work you do, and your partnership with the AME Sunday School Union. I look forward to The Christian Recorder’s future, which I am confident will be strong, and will last for generations to come.
The Rt. Rev. Vashti Murphy McKenzie
President of the General Board and Chair of the Commission on Publications
Presiding Prelate, 10th Episcopal District