Established in 1852, The Christian Recorder (ISSN 1050-6039, USPS 016880) is the official organ of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,  a member of the Associated Church Press and a member of the National Newspaper Publishers Association.  It is published monthly under the auspices of the Commission on Publications by the AMEC Sunday School Union, 900 13th Avenue South, Suite 220, Nashville, TN 37212.

Executive and Editorial Office:

900 13th Avenue South, Suite 220, Nashville, TN 37212

Chair of the Commission on Publications

The Right Reverend Francine A. Brookins

President/Publisher of the AMEC Sunday School Union

The Reverend Doctor Roderick D. Belin


John Thomas III, Ph.D.

Assistant Editor

The Reverend Lisa Hammonds

News Editor

The Reverend Justin Nick

Content Strategist

The Reverend TaShara Void

Copy Editor

The Reverend Doctor Susan H. Buckson

TCR Dialogues Producer

Ms. Kiratiana E. Freelon

Social Media Manager

Ms. Regina V. Jackson

Office Manager

Mrs. Lanet Armstrong-Keesee


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We welcome letters from our readers on matters of general interest.  Letters must be exclusive to The Christian Recorder and must be signed, including the writer’s home address and business telephone number.  Names will be withheld by request.  No defamatory, libelous or slanderous letters will be printed; and The Christian Recorder reserves the right to reject or edit any letter or article to conform to good taste, style and space requirements.  Although we are unable to acknowledge those letters we cannot publish, we appreciate the interest and value the views of those who take the time to send us their comments. Letters should include your name, address, and a contact telephone number. Send via email to or by mail to The Christian Recorder/Letters to Editor, 900 13th Avenue South, Suite 220, Nashville, TN 37212.

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