Will You Be One of the 500,000?
By Rev. Dr. Terri Strong and Rev. Dorisalene Y. Hughes
A prophetic call has come forth from the Episcopal leader in the Ninth Episcopal District, Bishop Harry L. Seawright. He has made a clarion call for 500,000 AME Church prayer warriors worldwide to take part in interceding in behalf of our General Conference in 2021. Bishop Seawright presides over the Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors Connectional Prayer Team which is the official prayer team for the AME Church.
The Prayer Team began in 2012 and has been standing in the gap in behalf of our Zion since its inception. The Team was established by Bishop Sarah Francis Davis, for whom the team is named. The Jubilee Prayer Warriors were praying at the General Conference held in Indianapolis, during July 2004. During the General Conference of the AME Church held in St. Louis, Missouri, led again by Bishop Sarah and the Rev. Dr. James C. Wade, the Jubilee Prayer Warriors took to the streets of downtown St. Louis and prayed as intercessors both inside and outside the convention center.
Bishop Sarah supported legislation for prayer written by the prayer director at that time. In addition, the Prayer Team was voted on and affirmed by the 2016 General Conference and has been praying ever since. The Team is also a part of the 2016 Edition of the Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (see page 213).
The Team prays for the healing, comfort, and deliverance of the people of our nation and around the world. The Team is also present at all General Conferences to conduct daily early morning prayer as well as be present to pray for anyone desiring prayer at the conference.
The Rev. Dorisalene Y. Hughes, the first lady of St. Paul AME Church in Berkeley, California, has been the coordinator since its inception and is very faithful in her duties. The Team meets the first Monday of every month via conference call for midnight prayer and everyone is invited to join us as we seek the Lord in uplifting songs, reading God’s Word, and effectual fervent prayers. The times are 9:00pm PST, 10:00pm MST, 11:00pm CST and 12:00am EST. The call-in information is 605-313-5088, access code 833863#.
The Bishop Sarah Frances Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors continue to stand in the gap for our Zion, the nation, and the world by hosting the Annual Connectional Day of Prayer every April 13 via Zoom. Please stay tuned as additional information will be provided.
The Team not only is praying for the nation and world but is coordinating the effort of gathering 500,000 new intercessors before, during, and after the 2021 General Conference. We hope that you will say yes and join us as well as encourage others to join. This is a very large undertaking and we need the help from every local church, annual conference, and Episcopal district as well as every component on all levels to help with the endeavor.
The scriptural theme for the Team is Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
We will be praying for safe travels for all who attend the 51st Quadrennial General Conference rescheduled for July 6-10, 2021. May peace, order, and safety envelop us during this General Conference as well as our witnessing an outpouring of God’s Spirit during our business sessions and worship experiences. Thanks to all of you, in advance, who will join us as we intercede in behalf of all attendees and the affairs of the General Conference.