One Day 

By Rev. Dr. Melinda Contreras-Byrd, Contributing Writer

It was a normal  day.  The sky was an unusually blue color with clouds that made it looked more like a painting than real life.  Was it my imagination or had it always looked so beautiful?   Crowds of people were gathering in airports all over the U.S. and beyond.  Old friends were meeting each other with hugs and laughs of joy and recognition.  Where are you coming from someone would ask, and the response would be a “district number”. 

 It was a time flamed by the unity of a sense of belonging. Regardless of what state or county each was coming from, they were all headed toward Ohio.

Random people on the street passed by each other, while cars honked, and store owners

tended customers in their stores.  Trains ran on time, and bus drivers listened to buzzers alerting them to the need to stop.  It was a normal day.  Everyone was doing what they always did, sure of what they could expect.  Strangers hurried by , oblivious to their own sense of false security.  

Inside a large stadium like building and hotel connected people re-connected. Talking church and politics…a sense of spirituality pushed to the back of rolling suitcases and deliberately striking outfits.  There was measured excitement, latent anxiety and unnamed expectation.  Choirs practiced. Preachers reviewed. Politicians politic-ed. It was a normal day.

Outside of the revolving doors, a small commotion began.  People were talking and looking up in unison.  Children hollered to their parents, “Mommy look at the sky!!”; “Daddy what’s happening ?”   Slightly bewildered parents responded in an attempt to comfort their children and the growing crowds searching the sky.  Musicians, delegates, and collared clergy exited the building, joining the throng—desperate eyes looking upward toward a sky that was quickly metamorphosizing into a never-before-seen, Aurora Borealis-like sky.  Wild colors began to streak across the sky in all directions, growing brighter and brighter as previously blank faces now registered growing fear at a brightness that stung their eyes. 

Should they look away?  Should they run and hide?  What was happening?

Women on the 11th floor of hotels dropped their hat boxes to stare out of their windows.

 When lunch-ers stopped lunch-ing and talkers stopped talking, a total darkness fell. Traffic stopped, and it was as if the world had become silent. All electricity stopped, but nevertheless, pastors on their computers heard news coming in from everywhere that the skies were becoming the same all over the world!!

The word began to spread through the crowds of people on the sidewalks and in the streets, crowed on halted buses, trains, and automobiles…looking up.

Suddenly, a slight but noticeable tremor began to increase until glass shattered from bus, store, and hotel windows while the tops flew off of fire hydrants.  The sun shot up, swirling in the sky, and people stared in terror as portions of the ground began to open, bridges collapsed,  and cars slid into a seeming abyss. Computers and iPhones blasted news that the living dead now walked the streets in some places. “Never before. Never before”, the chant went up from everywhere as elevators dropped and planes fell from the sky. All over the world, people were in the same situation.  Their political, racial, religious, and gendered separations seemed petty now as everyone was desperately running for their lives.  

An all-encompassing bright light now took over the sky, and the multicolored clouds began to separate like curtains on a stage. The piercing sound of trumpets came from above, and a great shout erupted from the sky, and a shimmering being-like presence descended.   People cried as they found themselves unable to hold onto a loved one who was rising toward whatever was going on above. Some in the crowd fell on their knees, tears of understanding streaming from uplifted faces.  Jesus!  Jesus!  Robed Bishops, collared preachers, young children, and aged men and women cried out together —–at last—-at last—– Maranatha even so come Lord Jesus!

Then, it was once again a normal day. But the General Conference had halted as everyone dealt in their own way with their shared vision.   Deafening silence covered the entire assembly.  The Spirit of God softly passed by each worshipper—convicting, forgiving, gifting, empowering, loving…

God’s Spirit filled the minds of all who were present. Do you remember the pledge you made when you first gave your life to me?  Have you exchanged it for allegiance to religion?  

Dig deeper in your spiritual life. It is not the same as your church life. Follow me…, and live for me.

Spread the good words I have given to you.

Here, In real life, there is—unprecedented flooding, raging wildfires, tornadoes in unusual places, water in the desert, dried-up lakes and rivers, attacking animals, hatred, bigotry, genocide, unleashed evil in high places. But it is a normal day

And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”  Luke 21:25-28.



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Sandra Bonner Hadley
Sandra Bonner Hadley
4 months ago

Thank you for painting what is and what will be in words.

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