Jackson Theological Seminary Awarded Full Accreditation Status
Jackson Theological Seminary, located in North Little Rock, Arkansas, in the 12th Episcopal District, has been awarded full accreditation from the Transnational Association of Christian Schools (TRACS) as a Category III Institution. Founded in 1903, Jackson Theological Seminary has endeavored and successfully produced competent and capable ministers of the Gospel. Unfortunately, because of a significant hiatus for many years, the school could not support students’ needs. Seeing the community’s growing needs and accreditation requirements increasing, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Right Reverend Michael L. Mitchell, the presiding prelate of the 12th Episcopal District, assembled a visionary team. Bishop Mitchell gave the team clear direction and tangible and spiritual support through administrative excellence. Students are now enrolled in Jackson’s Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Master of Divinity programs and have access to financial aid from Title IV funding.
This achievement was made possible because of a strong administrative team led by President and Chief Executive Officer Reverend Cecil Williams, past and present members of the Board of Trustees, administration and faculty, loyal alumni, and friends of the Seminary for the giving of their time and gifts. We are also thankful for the incomparable expertise and invaluable guidance of our Accreditation Consultant, Dr. Keiona Middleton, and the sage advice of Shorter College President, Dr. O. Jerome Green, Esq. We certainly cannot forget the generosity of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for including Jackson Seminary in the 2021-2024 budget at the 51st Session of the General Conference, as well as the gracious support from the Council of Bishops for approving the first Connectional seed offering of $10,000.00 to Jackson Seminary through the sale of the Anvil, led by Bishop Vashti McKenzie.
Finally, Jackson Seminary is eternally grateful to God for God’s infinite grace and for the overwhelming love, encouragement, and tangible support of the clergy and laity who comprise the entire constituency of the mighty 12thEpiscopal District.
We welcome all to support and experience the newest accredited institution of the African Methodist Episcopal Church: Jackson Theological Seminary.
This is the Lord’s doing!
Bishop Michael L. Mitchell,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees