Greater Mount Nebo Commemorates “The Emanuel Nine”
Under the leadership of our Pastor, Reverend Jonathan L. Weaver and Greater Mount Nebo Savoy/Brown Lay Organization, paid honor to those who were victims of the senseless killing at Mother Emanuel A.M.E Church. A special commemoration service was held as part of the 7:45 A.M. and 11:00 A.M Services on June 18, 2017.
Service opened with praise and worship songs filled with hope followed by our doxology and opening hymn, “Amazing Grace”.
Members of the church who recently graduated college led the worship service. Nicole Lindie served as Worship Leader; Austin Wilson led the congregational prayer and Raymond Robinson read the opening scripture. The children who participate in children’s church taught by First Lady Pamela L. Weaver created a banner honoring the lives tragically taken on June 17, 2015.
The Litany “The Doors of The Church Are Open” written by Bishop Adam J. Richardson, was led responsively by Raymond Robinson, children and teens spoke the names of each victim aloud. After the roll call, 9 bells were rung to honor the lives taken.