Greater Allen Chapel Welcomes Edward Waters College Marching Band

Greater Allen Chapel Welcomes Edward Waters College Marching Band

By Glenda J. Minor, 8th Episcopal District

Greater Allen Chapel AME Church, located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and under the pastorate of the Rev. Dr. Demetrese D. Phillips, hosted the nearly 100-member marching band from Edward Waters College. The marching band, under the leadership of Kedrick Redding, traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in support of their football team who played Southern University. Edward Waters, located in Jacksonville, Florida, is a private college founded in 1866 by the AME Church and is named after the third bishop. It was the first independent institution of higher education and first historically black college in the State of Florida. 

Edward Waters College’s football program was first established in 1916 and discontinued in 1967. It was re-established in 2001. The program is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) but will move up to NCAA Division II next season and is playing a Division II schedule this year. 

The Edward Waters band is called the Triple Threat Marching Band and had twice been invited to the Honda Battle of the Bands, in 2009 and 2013. Upon arrival to Baton Rouge, the Triple Threat Marching Band held a practice session at a nearby high school. The band arrived at Greater Allen Chapel in two large motor coach buses as the Greater Allen Chapel members excitedly welcomed them for food, fun, and fellowship. 

This service to one of our AME schools reminded us about the importance of sacrificial service. It was a further reminder that our greatness is not measured by things such as how big our local church congregation is, how much money we raise, or how connected we are to the connectional structure. Rather, and more importantly, greatness in the body of Christ is measured by discipleship, evangelism, and service. Greatness for Greater Allen Chapel, upon the visit of Edward Waters College marching band, was in serving our young brothers and sisters food and fellowshipping with them after a long bus trip to an unfamiliar place. 

Time is every individual’s most valuable gift given to them by God. As such, it’s the most precious gift that we can give back to God. One of Greater Allen Chapel’s strategic imperative for this conference year is to give God more quantity of our time. We feel obligated to sacrifice some things in our schedule for service to our community food bank, bus ministry, and health events. 

Also, we realize it’s important to give God more quantity of time for both personal and evangelistic endeavors. For example, we feel the need and obligation to sacrifice time to pray, spend with those in need of support, and to bring souls to Christ. 

Sacrifices are hard! Sacrifices are not comfortable! Sacrifices are not convenient! Yet, we make sacrifices simply because we want to prove our love for the Lord by using our gifts as a blessing in the body of Christ.

As Christians, let’s prove our love for the Lord by making a personal commitment that we are going to honor God by devoting more of my time to service. I’m going to honor God by sharing my talents and gifts. The motivation for ministry should not be about earning money. God is looking for a heart that says, “I’ll do it without expecting anything for it. I’ll volunteer if they never recognize me with a plaque or call my name or give me a check. Rather, I do it because I understand that there is a greater reward coming.” There has to be a new season in the body of Christ.



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