Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a senior Member of the Judiciary Committee, Homeland Security Committee and a senior Member of the Budget Committee has diligently worked to ensure that her community receives thee necessary support for coronavirus testing during this pandemic. The 18th Congressional District that she represents is in inner city Houston and 36% African American with nearly a quarter of its residents below the poverty line. Given the clear disparate racial and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the constituents are clearly high risk.
Congresswoman Jackson Lee partnered with Hyundai Motor America and the 18th District received a “Hope on Wheels COVID-19 Drive-Thru Test Grant” which is being gifted to the city of Houston Health Department and the Houston Health Foundation. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been a longtime advocate of the Hyundai Hope on Wheels efforts to combat Pediatric Cancer and couldn’t think of a better partner to move forward on her commitment to testing. “This donation will provide greater access to testing to various areas around the City and County and will bring diagnostic testing to local neighborhoods. Diagnostic testing can help save lives, prevent community spread, and prevent Houston from becoming a larger hotspot. The ability to help facilities where persons are incarcerated is also vital to saving lives,” stated Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
A critical part of her team is Mr. Carl Davis, a member of Wesley Chapel AME Church in Houston. Mr. Davis has a longstanding involvement in the local community as an activist as well in the Texas Democratic Party. “It is important that we have persons such as Congresswoman Jackson Lee who advocate for our communities in this time of crisis and I am proud to support her efforts to keep us safe and healthy.” Mr. Davis has been instrumental in helping to coordinate publicity and spread awareness about the COVID-19 testing programs as well as other assistance for the residents of the 18th Congressional District in Texas.