Work for Night is Coming
Rev. Gaborone P. Lesito, 19th Episcopal Distrct TCR Field Representative
We present to the global Church, The Rev. Fredolene Johnita Manganye who is an Itinerant Elder in the Nineteenth Episcopal District, East Annual Conference. Rev. F.J. Manganye received her call to the ministry in Hunter Temple, African Methodist Episcopal Church in Paarl in the then Cape Annual Conference and subsequently admitted on trial to the Itinerant ministry in December 1995. She was ordained an Itinerant Deacon and Elder in 1997 and 2001 respectively.
Rev. Manganye enrolled at the RR Wright Theological Seminary in January 1996 and completed her Diploma in Theology in December 1998. During this period, she also obtained a certificate in Accounting from the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (the only student who completed this qualification during her 3 years at the Seminary) which allowed her to work as Chief Financial Officer at RR Wright Theological Seminary some years later. Rev. Manganye overcame the male stereotypes and worked hard to be the valedictorian of her class.
In August 2006 she was assigned to the Pastoral charge of St. Paul Tabernacle, Mofolo in Soweto (as unorthodox as it was, she had requested the Bishop for the congregation of 7 faithful members). During her tenure, the congregation grew seven fold. In October 2007 when she was assigned Pastor of Ginya Memorial, Winterveldt, a rural congregation in MM Mokone Annual Conference, she taught the congregation about Tithing and they were finally able to pay the budget without making loans.
Rev. Manganye was appointed as Chaplain in the South African National Defence Force from April 2008 to August 2014. She came up with the concept of a devotional booklet written by Army Chaplains to be utilized on parades on those days when the Chaplain is not available. She instituted an Annual Women’s World Day of Prayer for women from all Arms of Services commemorated annually on the first Friday in March.
She continued this prayer day when she joined the Department of Correctional Services in September 2014, after being appointed as Deputy Director Spiritual Care (Chaplain) at Boksburg Management Area, where she is still serving. She is the first and only AME Pastor in South Africa currently employed as a Chaplain in the Department of Correctional Services. She has organized public Victim and Offender Dialogues (VOD) where victims of crime come into the Correctional facility and share with offenders how their crimes have affected their lives and the lives of their loved ones. On an annual basis, Rev. Manganye organizes Christmas outreach of toiletries and snacks to all offenders who do not receive visits throughout the year. The donations for these gifts come from the Churches, faith organizations and community groups that provide Spiritual Care services throughout the year. She continuously markets prison ministry within the Church and has assisted AME ministers to become spiritual workers who provide Spiritual Care to AME inmates. Bishop E. Earl McCloud, Jr. has assigned her to head the 19th Episcopal District’s project of prison ministry in partnership with the RAYAC and other components of the Church.
Rev. FJ Manganye’s last pastoral charge was Harrison James Bryant Chapel AME Church in Kwa Thema in the Springs District, East Annual Conference since October 2018 – the first female Pastor to be appointed there. During her 2 years at the charge she has taught the congregation to give back to bereaved families, rather than expecting to be served tea, coffee and cookies at every prayer session held at the bereaved home. Under her leadership the congregation has also started a project of providing for needy families within the church. This has made a tremendous difference in the livelihood of the people. It is from this Church that on 7 December 2020, Rev. Manganye, a proud, good and regular standing member of MSWAWO through her husband the Rev. FM Manganye, was appointed Presiding Elder of the Charlotte Maxeke District. Even there she serves as the first female Presiding Elder and indeed the first in the East Annual Conference.
She has obtained a certificate in Trauma counselling, a certificate in Military operations and is currently busy completing her Bachelor of Theology Honours degree in Practical Theology.
On 13 December 2006 an expectant Rev. Manganye was afforded the opportunity to preach at a service where the Rev. Dr Cecilia Bryant and a delegation of health professionals came to impart skills and blessings on the African shore. Again she was privileged to be chosen to preach at the first Connectional YAM Conference that was hosted by Africa in 2017. During January 2020 she preached at the memorial service of Dr Richard Maponya, a South African Business icon, who was a member of the AME Church in Soweto.
Beyond pulpit preaching, Rev. Manganye was on duty at the Union buildings as part of the trauma team during the funeral of former President Nelson Mandela. She was awarded a Bronze Medal by Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa.’
She presented the late eminent lawyer, Advocate George Bizos with a portrait of himself drawn by one of the offenders.
For some Christmases, until 2019, Rev. Manganye has handed out food parcels to needy families within the Church.
To God be the Glory.