The Sacred Moment
Dr. Herman O. Kelly, Jr., Columnist
In our journey through life, we all need a sacred moment, time with God in special and in sacred communication. I learned this theology as a young man growing up in Jacksonville, Florida, when I would drive to the beach before dawn or at dusk, and I walk the beach quietly and reflect on my life, not as a preacher, but as a child of God. Even in my youth, I struggled to find my place in God’s creation. The sacred moments on the beach helped me connect with The Holy. This alone time was an inward journey, as Howard Thurman discusses in his work, The Creative Encounter. I learned this creative encounter as a teenager, trying to find my way and my purpose. So what is a sacred moment?
First, the sacred moment is time spent alone with The Creator God. We stand naked before God in our faults, failures, and our fears. We stand undressed and with a sense of urgency to find a moral compass; if we have gotten off track, we also stand undressed to give thanks to a merciful and forgiving God. The one who knows our failures yet forgives us anyway.
Secondly, the sacred moment helps us gain strength in an evil and unpredictable world. My moment happens some mornings between 4:30-5:00 am as I prepare for swimming practice. As I glare at the calm waters of the swimming pool, I reflect and thank God for my journey. God and I talk before I endure another difficult swimming practice. Dive deep into the sacred moment before I dive into the swimming pool. I dive into God’s pathos, God’s care, and love for a sinner like me, saved by God’s marvelous grace. I check my goggles as I check my faith, I check my swim cap, and I check my endurance for the journey ahead in my life and the difficult practice I will face. Our strength comes when spending sacred time with God. The only voice we hear is the voice of The Holy. This sacred preparation helps me spiritually and physically.
Lastly, the sacred moment prepares us for difficult times we will all face. When the storms come on us, we have a storm watcher, a lighthouse for the storms that we must face. Storms will come, but God secures us and protects us in the storms. The sacred moments we have before the storms will equip us for the storms of life. In my personal storms, I thank God for the sacred moments we have shared and will continue to share.