By Mrs. Valarie Russ, 11th Episcopal District
How do we fellowship and generate funding for three legendary HBCU Institutions of higher learning? Simple, you have a Scholarship Banquet. Great idea, however, a banquet virtually not so simple. The Eleventh Episcopal District was faced with such a task and made it look easy. The District hosted their Scholarship Banquet virtually on Monday, July 5th. The theme, “Building Healthy Communities: A Charge to Keep We Have.” The event featured program participants from each of the HBCUs benefiting from the proceeds. Ms. Patricia H. Wright eloquently set the atmosphere in elegance with energy of celebration. This occasion in this virtual setting was to celebrate and support higher education and provide scholarship opportunities for Florida A&M University, Turner Theological Seminary, and Edward Waters University. Program participants represented those three institutions.

Rev. Victor Coles, a graduate from Turner Theological Seminary stirred things up with a mighty prayer. He charged those assembled on this virtual platform to remember we have been blessed to learn new ways to do church and serve in the midst of a global pandemic. We have been called out of the last fifteen months of chaos, confusion, calamities, and conflict to the blessing of assembling for this General Conference and virtually for this occasion. When his prayer concluded there was nothing to say but “Amen”.

Florida A&M University was smoothly represented by Devin Lloyd and Gustave Major. Their skills on the piano and saxophone were beautifully displayed in their rendition of “Falling in Love with Jesus.” You were left wanting to hear more from these talented musicians.

Ms. Wright then introduced another FAMU Alum. Described as a notable FAMU graduate and a high stepping cadence keeping Drum Major for justice, the Senior Bishop and Presiding Prelate of the Eleventh Episcopal Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson shared thoughtful greetings and gratitude. He reminisced what this event would have looked and sounded like with all the pomp and circumstance befitting the occasion. Instead, the global pandemic has affected millions all called loved ones. We are forced to do things differently and be creative and imaginative. He emphasized the theme is relevant in a health crisis and captures the essence of their tenure in the Eleventh Episcopal District.

Representing Edward Waters University was acclaimed theatre actress, Tarra Conner Jones. With Theatre credits such as Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and The Color Purple. Miss Jones spent over 20 years teaching before pursuing her passion. This evening she wrote and performed the monologue “The Communities Covid Built”. She masterfully conveyed the emotional roller coaster 2020 and the pandemic took us on. It started with the shock and disbelief of this reality we were facing. Then the heartbreak of the loss of friends and loved ones. And finally coming together to care for each other and empowering our communities to aid our communities in ways we never imagined. We had to uplift each other, care for each other, love each other and thereby build healthier communities. Communities had to work together to save each other. We quickly learned that no one was helping our communities but ourselves. At the heart of healing and helping our communities was forgiveness and recovering relationships once thought lost. Tarra Conner Jones is a true artist who put an emotionally charged 2020 on full display. This pandemic gave us the opportunity to rest, evaluate, revive, forgive, and flourish. She preached that monologue and then sang the challenge to each of us “A Charge to Keep I Have”
This amazing evening’s chairpersons were Reverend Terence Gray, Dr. Cynthia Griffin, and Mrs. Pamela Prier. It was supported by corporate sponsors Florida Blue and The AME Housing Board. Individual sponsors at various levels gave support. Special thanks were given to the FAMU Director of Bands, Mr. Shelby Chipman. Also, to Reverend Kenneth Irby and Reverend Clarence Williams in collaboration with Kraken Media, LLC for the production of the program.