The Collaboration and Partnership

Dr. Herman Kelly, Contributing Writer

On Friday, August 26, 2022, Bishop Stafford Wicker, Supervisor Constance Wicker, clergy of the Louisiana Conference, and the faculty and administrators from Louisiana State University began a historic partnership. Bishop Wicker and the clergy from The Western New Orleans Baton Rouge District met at the Honors College at Louisiana State University. We were all greeted by Dr. Martin, Assistant Dean, Dr. Roland Mitchell, Dean of Education, Dr. Earle, Dean of The Honors College, and Dr. Becker’s chair of African American Studies Department.

Bishop Wicker shared his vision for the African Methodist Episcopal Church regarding this historic partnership. This initiative began with the presentation by Bishop Wicker and concluded with questions and answers from all in attendance. The goal of this collaboration and partnership is to carry out connections between clergy and The Academy. In addition, this initiative will continue to speak to Louisiana’s new generation of leaders. We all have a vested interest in the youth, their education, and their growth.

Dr. Herman O. Kelly, Pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and the adjunct Instructor in African American Studies and Education, served as host along with Dr. Roland Mitchell and Presiding Elder Bland Washington.



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