(Part 2 of 2A)
Understanding what occurred during the July 2012 49th Quadrennial Session of the General Conference for the African Methodist Episcopal Connectional Church, held in Nashville, Tennessee will provide each reader with a clearer discernment of how this group came to be. It was during the extensive teaching and training on the previously mentioned classes and practicums led by the General Officer and Executive Director of The Department of Church Growth and Development, Reverend Dr. James C. Wade, supported by the Bishop Chairperson of the Commission at this time which was the Bishop Sarah Francis Davis. This team of clergy and laity were referred to by Bishop Sarah Francis Davis as her Jubilee Prayer Warriors and Intercessors Team. This Bishop was also well known across the Connectional Church and throughout various denominations as the Praying Bishop. Just before the 49th General Conference, Bishop Sarah Francis Davis was given the assignment to represent our African Methodist Episcopal Church at the Vatican City to meet with Pope Francis, the Bishop of Rome. When the Jubilee Prayer Warriors and Intercessors arrived two and three days before the 49th General Conference began, Bishop Sarah had already given the team their assignments of setting up Prayer Chapels, the theater style Early Morning Prayer Lab Facility, anointing and praying for safety, success of each session, the delegates and alternate delegates, the election of new Bishops, General and Connectional Officers, as well as all the services.
The first day of the 49th Quadrennial Session began with the Early Morning Prayer Lab, facilitated by our newly appointed Director, the Reverend Dorisalene Y. Hughes of the 5th Episcopal District. Present also was a group of delegates, alternate delegates, and observers from our 14th through the 20th Episcopal District that led devotion and prayer with anointed harmony and praises to our God. They spoked and provided songs of praise in English and in their Native Languages. It was a marvelous experience to the standing room only participants. Bishop Sarah was incredibly pleased, as the sizes of the Early Morning Prayer Labs continued to grow each day. At the end of the third day while having a follow-up meeting, Bishop Sarah spoked with her Ad Hoc Executive Team and gave more assignments. This was the moment when she emphasized her desire to encourage greater participation throughout our Connectional African Methodist Episcopal Church for fervent and deliberate prayer and fasting. Among this mission is to be totally inclusive of all twenty of our Episcopal Districts and include our Ecumenical and Urban Affairs Department with prayers and intercessory coverage. She continued to explain that this team would not be political, but would spiritually cover all Bishops, Episcopal Supervisors, Connectional and General Officers, Presiding Elders, District and Conference Officers, Clergy, Laity, National and International Leaders. The objective was to have all team members of our commission recognizing and adhering to Second Chronicles 7:14. (KJV)
Holding a several pages document in her hands, Bishop Sarah while in a follow-up meeting asked if we would all pray for the writing of new legislation for our 50th Quadrennial Session which would be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This would address her Jubilee Prayer Team being added to our Book of Discipline under the Department of Church Growth and Development. The original document was written by the Reverend T. C. Richardson, Esq. from the 2nd Episcopal District. The final writing of the legislation was assigned by Bishop Sarah to Evangelist Dr. Valeria Eloby-Slade, from the 4th Episcopal District, and one of her Ad Hoc Executive Team Members. As further development of this new legislation was being written, Bishop Sarah gave her specific instructions on exactly what she needed to have covered and how the format should be laid out. It was her desire to name this team “Jubilee Prayer Warriors and Intercessors” as a commemorative to our 50th being Jubilee. Bishop Sarah worked closely with Dr. Val and made certain that this legislation would be ready for the next General Conference. Unfortunately, Bishop Sarah Francis Davis was called to her greatest reward before the 2016 50th Quadrennial Session took place. (To be continued. . .)
Respectfully submitted for:
The Senior Bishop, Presiding Prelate A. J. Richardson Jr.
The Bishop Chairperson of the Commission, Bishop Harry L. Seawright
General Officer and Executive Director, Reverend James C. Wade
Director of The B.S.F.D.C.K. and I., Reverend Dorisalene Hughes
Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessor Columnist, Evg. Dr. Valeria Eloby-Slade
The Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors
(Part 2 of 2A)
Understanding what occurred during the July 2012 49th Quadrennial Session of the General Conference for the African Methodist Episcopal Connectional Church, held in Nashville, Tennessee will provide each reader with a clearer discernment of how this group came to be. It was during the extensive teaching and training on the previously mentioned classes and practicums led by the General Officer and Executive Director of The Department of Church Growth and Development, Reverend Dr. James C. Wade, supported by the Bishop Chairperson of the Commission at this time which was the Bishop Sarah Francis Davis. This team of clergy and laity were referred to by Bishop Sarah Francis Davis as her Jubilee Prayer Warriors and Intercessors Team. This Bishop was also well known across the Connectional Church and throughout various denominations as the Praying Bishop. Just before the 49th General Conference, Bishop Sarah Francis Davis was given the assignment to represent our African Methodist Episcopal Church at the Vatican City to meet with Pope Francis, the Bishop of Rome. When the Jubilee Prayer Warriors and Intercessors arrived two and three days before the 49th General Conference began, Bishop Sarah had already given the team their assignments of setting up Prayer Chapels, the theater style Early Morning Prayer Lab Facility, anointing and praying for safety, success of each session, the delegates and alternate delegates, the election of new Bishops, General and Connectional Officers, as well as all the services.
The first day of the 49th Quadrennial Session began with the Early Morning Prayer Lab, facilitated by our newly appointed Director, the Reverend Dorisalene Y. Hughes of the 5th Episcopal District. Present also was a group of delegates, alternate delegates, and observers from our 14th through the 20th Episcopal District that led devotion and prayer with anointed harmony and praises to our God. They spoked and provided songs of praise in English and in their Native Languages. It was a marvelous experience to the standing room only participants. Bishop Sarah was incredibly pleased, as the sizes of the Early Morning Prayer Labs continued to grow each day. At the end of the third day while having a follow-up meeting, Bishop Sarah spoked with her Ad Hoc Executive Team and gave more assignments. This was the moment when she emphasized her desire to encourage greater participation throughout our Connectional African Methodist Episcopal Church for fervent and deliberate prayer and fasting. Among this mission is to be totally inclusive of all twenty of our Episcopal Districts and include our Ecumenical and Urban Affairs Department with prayers and intercessory coverage. She continued to explain that this team would not be political, but would spiritually cover all Bishops, Episcopal Supervisors, Connectional and General Officers, Presiding Elders, District and Conference Officers, Clergy, Laity, National and International Leaders. The objective was to have all team members of our commission recognizing and adhering to Second Chronicles 7:14. (KJV)
Holding a several pages document in her hands, Bishop Sarah while in a follow-up meeting asked if we would all pray for the writing of new legislation for our 50th Quadrennial Session which would be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This would address her Jubilee Prayer Team being added to our Book of Discipline under the Department of Church Growth and Development. The original document was written by the Reverend T. C. Richardson, Esq. from the 2nd Episcopal District. The final writing of the legislation was assigned by Bishop Sarah to Evangelist Dr. Valeria Eloby-Slade, from the 4th Episcopal District, and one of her Ad Hoc Executive Team Members. As further development of this new legislation was being written, Bishop Sarah gave her specific instructions on exactly what she needed to have covered and how the format should be laid out. It was her desire to name this team “Jubilee Prayer Warriors and Intercessors” as a commemorative to our 50th being Jubilee. Bishop Sarah worked closely with Dr. Val and made certain that this legislation would be ready for the next General Conference. Unfortunately, Bishop Sarah Francis Davis was called to her greatest reward before the 2016 50th Quadrennial Session took place. (To be continued. . .)
Respectfully submitted for:
The Senior Bishop, Presiding Prelate A. J. Richardson Jr.
The Bishop Chairperson of the Commission, Bishop Harry L. Seawright
General Officer and Executive Director, Reverend James C. Wade
Director of The B.S.F.D.C.K. and I., Reverend Dorisalene Hughes
Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessor Columnist, Evg. Dr. Valeria Eloby-Slade