The African Methodist Episcopal Church Leadership Shift 2021
By Rev. Dr. Barbara R. Chisolm, 7th Episcopal District
I believe that leadership is the most important role in any organization. It focuses on promotions and new directions. All leaders do not possess the same traits or characteristics because there are different behaviors and styles of leadership. This new era of culture changes has challenged leadership around the world to become resourceful in finding creative platforms for presenting new ministries within the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Challenged by a global pandemic, leadership must shift in ways that hold greater promises and future growth for churches and communities. The question is: will leadership build on this unique moment or return to the ways of the past?
Yes, this moment has shifted and caused leadership to lead in ingenious ways. This shift may have been birthed out of necessities but it has great potential beyond our present crises. The possibility within this shift can open new operational potential that can and will present a stronger church presence in the world.
A shift requires systems and policy transformation that under normal circumstances might have taken years. The unprecedented scale and speed of the pandemic have created a “burning platform” but it is still remarkable that organizations have been able to make it happen. Building upon this shift, church leadership can recalibrate how we define ministry.
We must seriously consider building new leadership models that are built on close professional relationships, openness, and trust. As “change agents,” we must navigate through these unchartered waters with an open mindset, fully embracing technology. I am inspired during these unpredictable times by knowing we are confident that God will provide leadership with skills, wisdom, and ability to go through it and develop higher platforms that will be effective and relevant in our outreach to bring the world to Jesus.
Confronting this unique moment, we must be mindful that the church is founded upon a spiritual foundation. God has a purpose and plan for where we are today. He knows our future and we can be assured and confident in knowing that the God we serve will lead and guide us in accomplishing His purpose.
Within this 2021 shift, there is one thing that remains the same: God’s eternal plan of salvation. Salvation must remain first within the church. The church has a call and duty to bring those who do not know Jesus to God’s eternal salvation plan. Yes, we are to continually be proactive as James 1:27 states, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” God’s precepts never change, even in a shifting world.
As the church shifts, my sisters and brothers, we must think bigger and faster into this new era. Understanding that laity and leadership work together leading in this way, we will be able to seize this as a generational opportunity to intentionally evolve the church within this shift. The effect of it will bring in new transformational ministry. The changes of ministries do not change its foundation but build upon it, keeping it relevant in expanding a stronger and more productive church for the future in an impactful way.