Submissions for The 2019 Anvil

Blessings of the New Year, 

The focus for the 2019 Anvil is AMEC liturgy and worship.  We are soliciting creative worship resources for collects, prayers, calls to worship, litanies, special and annual days from Lent 2019-Lent 2020. The goal is to provide a digital and hard copy resource representative of the breadth of the connectional worshipping church. 

Submissions fall into three broad categories. 

Liturgical Calendar Days are Lent (Maundy Thursday, Tenebrae, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Palm/Passion Sunday), Resurrection, Pentecost, Advent, Christmas, Watch Night, Epiphany.

Recognized Holidays and days honoring individuals-Founder’s Day, Jarena Lee’s Birthday, Rosa Parks Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Emancipation Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day, July Fourth, Thanksgiving, All Saints Day, Kwanza etc

Component /Ministry Recognition Days-inclusive of the pastor, choir, ushers, youth, Laity, Missionary, YPD, RAYAC, Sons of Allen, Trustees, Stewards, Sunday School/Christian Education Day, Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, Social Justice, Voter Registration  

General Liturgical Event- revivals, church anniversary, weddings, homecoming, funerals, Friends and Family, Grandparents Day, graduation, Greek Sunday

Please email your previously used or new creative work (no word limit) to  

Our targeted publication date is April 1, 2019.  

Looking forward to your contributions,

Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown,

Executive Director of Research and Scholarship



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