By Evangelist Dr. Val Eloby-Slade, Member of The Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors Ad Hoc Executive Board (Part 1 of 2)

The Department of Church Growth and Development never missed a beat as the transition of General Officer and Commission Chairperson shifted from retiring General Officer, the Reverend Dr. James C. Wade, to our newly elected General Officer, the Reverend Dr. Marcellus Norris, and newly appointed Commission Chairperson, Bishop Reginald T. Jackson.

April 2022 began with many meetings and lots of planning by the Director, Reverend Dorisalene Hughes, the Ad Hoc Executive Board, and the Members at large for the Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors. The committee planned and executed two events with great emphasis on welcoming the Holy Spirit to be present. The first was the April 4, 2022, Monthly Monday Midnight Prayer. The second was the spirit-filled African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church’s Connectional Day of Prayer hosted by The Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors on April 13, 2022.

The midnight one-hour prayer began with the sounding of the Shofar, followed by participants singing Sweet Hour of Prayer. Then, after salutations and welcoming the Ecumenical and Urban Affairs Office of the Endorsing Agent, Bishop Jeffery N. Leath gave a resounding prayer covering all domestic and foreign spiritual leadership, the military, and governmental leaders. In addition, Bishop Leath included a prayer for global issues, including the cyclone in our 20th Episcopal District, storms in our 16th Episcopal District, and covering for the remaining captive Girls in Chibok, Nigeria, and Human Trafficking globally. Next, our Connectional Richard Allen Young Adult Council President (RAYAC), Martinique Mix, provided an electrifying prayer covering all young adults, teenagers, children, foster homes, orphanages, and new ministries for all family members. Then the Michigan Conference Lay Organization Chaplain Vicki Whinsett Jackson provided a prayer covering for all senior citizens, the homeless, incarcerated, suicide and homicide victims’ families, and the abused children and adults worldwide.

The AME Church Connectional Day of Prayer evoked the Holy Spirit manifesting power that only the Holy Spirit can, as the Reverend Dr. JoAnn Sumbry petitioned for covering of healings, protection from the enemy and leviathan spirits. She also asked for a special blessing upon the Annual Connectional Day of Prayer for the AME Church, petitioning for miracles, signs, and wonders. While the Spirit was still high, our Chicago Conference Lay President, Bryan T. S. Gray, provided a prayer-covering over all men as he spoke Acts 2:17, calling for our men to take their rightful place according to God’s word. President Gray prayed for the blood of Jesus to cover educators, parents, grandparents, and the family unit. The last prayer covering was rendered by a praise and worship instructor, Minister Edwina Franklin, who read John 14:12-13. Her prayer petition covered improved communications and greater evangelism, global Christian church growth, transforming, transcending, and liberating spirit-filled faith and discipleship—the Connectional Day of Prayer 2022 was Holy Spirit-filled and empowering for all.



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