Second Episcopal District Holds Joint Ordination
Rev. Jazmine Brooks, News Editor
In 2019, The Rt. Rev. James L. Davis, Presiding Prelate of the 2nd Episcopal District, cast the vision for a district-wide ordination service to take place in May of 2020. The three-day event would be complete with renowned musical artists, bishops from across the African Methodist Episcopal Church Connection, and some of the 2ndEpiscopal District’s best preaching. The affair was set to occur at Ebenezer AME Church, and each conference was asked to commit to sending hundreds of people to participate in what would certainly be a “Legacy Celebration.”
Inspired by the spirit of connectional ministry, the aim was to gather the five conferences in a single, coordinated effort to celebrate those who would be ordained and give reverence to the significance of ordination. In addition, Bishop Davis sought to create a moment that would inspire our clergy to remain committed to the journey of ministerial practice.
Unfortunately, in March of 2020, the world went into quarantine, and almost 100 candidates’ ordination was postponed. For the next year and a half, amid mounting questions and uncertainty, the three-day Legacy Celebration became a traditional, hybrid worship service that maintained its distinction as the largest ordination service in the history of the AME Church. While we were unable to manifest the original vision, the underlying intent was evident in the redesigned service— ”to create an unforgettable moment for those to be ordained. It may not happen today, but I hope some of these folk will look back and have this experience revive them and give them what it takes to help them go on just a little further and a little while longer,” said Bishop Davis.
Separated by an empty pew and two to three on an occupied pew, 69 ordinands prepared to receive their orders. The service opened with the processional of bishops and presiding elders who sat to the far right of the pulpit and altar space. While the music and ordination took place in real-time, those who led the service in prayer, statements of occasion, and collective readings were viewed on-screen.
A former bishop of the 2nd Episcopal District, the Rt. Rev. Adam J. Richardson preached “Oh For a Closer Walk With God” from Psalm 91:1-2. It was a powerful reminder that our public lives are evidence of our private practices. All that we are and all that we do should reflect the relationship we cultivate with the God we serve.
Following the preached word, itinerant deacons and elders were ordained ten at a time in order of conference affiliation. Five bishops, including the first woman to be ordained bishop in the AME Church, The Rt. Rev. Vashti M. McKenzie (Retired), laid hands on each diaconate ordinand. Those to be ordained Itinerant Elders were ordained by all five bishops and two elders of their choosing. As the service came to a close, the newly ordained Itinerant Elders were gifted new bibles, an AME lapel pin, a keepsake program signed by present bishops, and a meditation chime.
Though in-person participation was capped at 350 people in Reid Temple, thousands watched online and celebrated across various media platforms. Those in attendance included Bishops Vashti Murphy-McKenzie, Jeffrey N. Leath, Adam J. Richardson, and John H. Bryant; the 2nd Episcopal District presiding elders, and a host of district officers, pastors, and supporters of individual ordinands. It was truly evident that the 2nd Episcopal District is thriving together.