Quinn Chapel Presents Career Day at National Teachers Academy
By Zelma B. Jarvis, 4thEpiscopal District
Thursday, March 28, 2019, was Career Day at National Teachers Academy located at 55 West Cermak Road in Chicago, Illinois. Eight professionals from Quinn Chapel AME Church in Chicago took time from their busy schedules to give a job description of their occupation and the college courses necessary to earn a college degree in each curriculum.
The presenters and their job descriptions included Dr. Aaron Bryant, chiropractor; Ms. Mariama S. Hodari, professor of education; Mr. Lennox Jackson, project manager; Mrs. Jenita Keaton, nursing student; Mr. William Miller, senior manager for forensics and integrity; Ms. Tyra Owens, community resource manager; Mrs. Mandisa Upton, Epic Ambulatory Senior Analyst; and Ms. Sierra Washington, law student. The sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students were very interested in the presenters’ information. The students asked many intelligent questions and thanked the presenters for visiting their school.
The Principal of National Teachers Academy, Mr. Castelaz, was very pleased with the presentations and asked the Career Day coordinator, Ms. Zelma B. Jarvis, to present a Career Day for the students next year. We thank Pastor James Moody for his support and encouragement.