Progress Update on the AME Churches in Rwanda

Progress Update on the AME Churches in Rwanda

The following progress report was provided by Presiding Elder Felix Uwamahoro of the  Rwanda Annual Conference.  The Right Reverend Wilfred J. Messiah is the Bishop of the 17thEpiscopal District. In late March, the Rwandan government imposed new building codes on religious buildings and eleven AME churches were threatened with closure unless US$12,000 of repairs could be completed.  Nine congregations were forced to close because they were worshipping in rented space.

Calvary greetings from Kigali in Rwanda. It is with joy and pleasure that we are sending to you this message, as we are enduring troubles of church closings here in Rwanda.

We want to say thank you for your generous contributions to support the relief of AME Churches in Rwanda. We received $6,500 from friends, brothers, and sisters of Greater Mount Nebo AME Church, where the Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Weaver is the pastor and from the wonderful people of the 4th Episcopal District led by Bishop John White. The balance of the needed funds was sent from the Connectional Treasurer, Dr. Richard Allen Lewis. We want to take this opportunity to ensure you that your dollars are at work here and will be used accordingly.

Three of our churches have already been cleared out of 11 that have been given the second chance to do the mandated improvements and continue fellowship in our AME Church buildings even though we still must make some finishing works on them. At the remaining eight churches, works have started, and we hope and pray that three of those churches will be cleared very soon (Mt. Carmel, Gilgal, and Ebenezer) because mandated improvements are at a very good level.

As to the completely closed nine AME Churches, because they were renting worship venues, we pray and hope that once the 11 are operating, we will start a long-term plan to build their own church buildings. I want to let you know that because most them are in the rural areas, only US$5,000 is needed to have a fully-finished church building and we believe in a very big God of possibilities.

Please accept thanks of those we serve, volunteers, trustees, and stewards. Know that your financial support will continue to bring joy and happiness to your brothers and sisters in Rwanda.




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