Oh, How Precious Is The Freedom to Make Decisions
John Wm. Roberts, ED.D., Director of Music/Principal Musician
Lee Chapel AME Church, Auburn, Alabama, Ninth Episcopal District
Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was the case that brought about the 2022 Supreme Court decision reversing Roe vs. Wade. This ruling began the process of sending women’s reproductive decisions back to individual states. Chaos has ensued, placing the lives of unborn children and their mothers in jeopardy.
I am an older brother to five younger sisters ranging in age from 62-69 years and the father of a daughter who will be 53 in August. I am aware of both the ease and difficulty they have encountered as they entered and exited their prime reproductive years. In a recent study, statistics have shown that African American women are 35% more likely to die during or immediately after childbirth due to the lack of accessibility to quality women’s reproductive healthcare facilities.
I am pro-choice; however, many in my immediate and extended family are pro-life. Opinions and idea differences will always exist within families, organizations, and ethnic groups. There are a series of questions I pose to those who are adamantly pro-life: [1]-“While I applaud your commitment to the welfare of the child before birth, what safety nets, support networks, are in place for mother, child, and, yes, families, after the child is born?” [2]-“If, upon receiving information, the child was conceived as a result of rape and incest, why is the mother being forced to carry the unborn child to term? What support systems are in place to aid with helping the victim deal with the trauma which resulted in the unwanted pregnancy?” [3]-“What are your thoughts about terminating a pregnancy if the fetus is proven to be unviable?” [4]-“What processes are in place when the health of the mother is in the balance as a result of an at-risk pregnancy?”
These are questions I would and have asked. Though uncomfortable to face, these are questions that should be asked. Whatever your thoughts on the issue of a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her reproductive rights and health, how can these questions be ignored? Have Christians become so entrenched in ideology they have lost compassion or objectivity?
One major point of contention is the passage of the draconian abortion bans, passed in 25 states in this union we call The United States of America. The majority of the state legislatures are controlled by ‘white men’ who have never conceived, let alone given birth. This is yet another method by which men seek to control the minds and bodies of women. Historically, this has a parallel within certain denominations of Judeo-Christian religions. For years, certain denominations would not, and some still do not allow women to preach the gospel from the pulpit within the confines of their denominational churches. To preach simply means to proclaim. The Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20, exhorts all who profess to be followers of Christ to proclaim, teach, and baptize: 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” There are no distinctions between men and women as to those chosen to proclaim, teach and baptize! A person’s call to preach is personal – between them and God! Just as the call to pastoral service is personal, the decision regarding the sanctity of life is personal. The ability of a woman to make decisions regarding her health is, as with the aforementioned, personal.
Matthew 22:21b states, “Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”In the effort to control, certain segments of society have intermingled the ideology of society with the perceived ideology of God. The separation of church and state, in this volatile situation, needs implementation. The desires of man are not always those of God. Man has yet to attain that level of perfection.