Let it Out
Lic. Tricia I. Thomas, Contributing Writer
Many of us have heard about the strong black woman (or strong black male) trope. It is this notion that we, as black people, have to be bigger, better, smarter, and stronger than our counterparts to get ahead in life. But, let us say, the weight of it all is that not all labor feels like a labor of love. Let us unpack the baggage that you have been carrying around. We all have a few bags, some heavier than others, some more than others, but in these bags that we carry around in our hearts and minds are things like pain, heartache, a wall that we have built to protect ourselves, guilt, shame, and disappointment. How can we as believers move forward by faith if we do not let go of the past? How can we stretch our hands out and hold to God’s unchanging hand if we are full of the baggage from the past?
One of my favorite movie references is Disney’s Lion King. Rafiki is talking to Simba, and after Rafiki bopped Simba on the head, Simba asks, “What was that?” Rafiki responds, “It doesn’t matter; it’s in the past.” Simba, still holding on to the past, cried out, “But it still hurts,” to which Rafiki responded, “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”
Beloved, the past is supposed to hurt. It teaches us a lesson we need to learn, shows us what not to look for, helps us experience what it is like to be down so that when it is our time to shine, it feels that much better. So I challenge you right now to let go. Here is the thing: This baggage, this heartache, this barrier that you are holding on to for dear life, may be blocking your blessing. Maybe because it feels good; Maybe because it is comfortable or what you have been used to; Maybe because you are scared of what might happen if you let go. Do not let your baggage block your blessing. Do not let the wall you built to keep out the pain, prohibit your praise. Do not let your fear overpower your faith. Let. It. Go.
Now, I have never been in a hot air balloon, but I have an idea of the concept. A fire or a burner inside creates hot air inside the balloon because hot air rises. Theoretically, uninhibited, the balloon will soar to unknown heights as long as the fire is still burning. And the only thing stopping this balloon from rising is these sandbags. So, it is time to soar like a hot air balloon, my sisters and brothers. Let the holy ghost fire carry you to places you have never been before. But first, you have to let go of the sandbags. And with each bag you release, you get a little higher. Drop the bag of self-doubt. Let go of the bag of pain. Untie the bag of heartache. Because here is what will happen if you do not: The enemy will keep trying to hold you down. Once he knows which bag hurts you the most, he will continue thinking of ways to add more sand to it. However, if you get rid of that bag completely, he loses any control that he thought he had. Make that move. Make that change. Little changes over time create lifelong habits, and habits over time become a lifestyle.
Isaiah 43 reminds us that. “At all times, we must learn to forget the past and forge ahead.” If we fail to let go of the past, it is very difficult to move forward. Let go of the bitterness and make room for the blessing. Now just like Paul said, I am not perfect. I am still carrying around some extra baggage. In fact, I tend to roll it up nice and neat, stuff it in my pocketbook, and carry it everywhere I go. One thing I have tried to do is forget what is behind me. I am not there yet, but I am striving, letting a little bit go at a time so that I can heal. So that you can heal. What we carry inside manifests itself in our outward appearance and actions. Not only must we, then, forgive those who have hurt us, but we must forgive ourselves too. So, my sister, my brother, it is time to let it go and move forward by faith. Let it out!