“Hope-Shout” Thanksgiving Service    

By Lura Davis, 13th Episcopal District

Anticipating Thanksgiving Day can leave a person with many questions. Who will host the meal? What foods will be served? How many people can an 18-pound turkey feed? One may even contemplate which football game to watch. Although these concerns seem common in planning, the one question that can alleviate those troublesome little worries is, “How can I help those who are in need?” One of the most powerful calls from God is to help the poor. Proverbs 21:13 states, “If you close your ear to the cry of the poor, you will cry out and not be heard.” Under the leadership of Pastor W. Antoni Sinkfield, the members of Payne Chapel AME Church were grateful for the opportunity to share in the works of ministry, outreach, and evangelism during this season of Thanksgiving.

In preparation for the holiday season, Payne Chapel hosted a spectacular “Hope-Shout for Thanksgiving Service” for the East Nashville and Greater Nashville Communities. This event kicked-off with the Florence Grady Women’s Missionary Society sponsoring a turkey giveaway. Members distributed over 100 turkeys to families in need throughout the Greater Nashville and surrounding areas. Families were also invited to join the “Hope-Shout” event held during the Sunday Morning Worship Service on November 19, 2017, at 10:00 am. On the morning of the “Hope-Shout” Worship and Praise Service, the Payne Chapel house was filled with joy, hope, love, and smiles. Over 230 women, men, and children joined in worship, fellowship, and praise. Visitors from the James Cayce Homes, Elam Mental Health Center of Meharry, Renewal House, and the Next-Door Program were welcomed with open arms. During service, the music ministry shared the gospel of Jesus Christ through song and Pastor Sinkfield delivered a powerful message entitled, “I Hope You Like It.”

Following the “Hope-Shout” service, our guests were served a full Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. Guests and senior citizens were also provided backpacks filled with toiletries and blankets. At the end of it all, God blessed us so that we could be a blessing to others! When we bless others, we are letting our light shine for the glory of God. Second Corinthians 9:11-12 states, “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.”

We thank and praise God for granting us to give others a “Hope-Shout” for this Thanksgiving. To God be the glory!




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