By Patricia Jernigan, Ph.D.
The District Conference of the Southwest District, under the leadership of Presiding Elder Dianne J. Banks, was convened on February 28-29, 2020, at Zion Chapel Station in Natchez, Mississippi. The Rev. Banks presided over her first District Conference as an anointed leader, leaning and depending on the Holy Spirit for direction with Mr. Tony Banks, the district consultant, provided the spiritual support as a loving and dedicated spouse. The theme, “Shifting to the Next level,” set the tone for a soul-saving conference and those who witnessed the event coined it a revival because the Holy Spirit was certainly the center of the conference.
Zion Chapel Station, under the leadership of the Rev. Birdon Mitchell, Jr., and First Lady Debra Mitchell, served as gracious host and hostess. The spirit of love and affection permeated the entire conference from the membership. The Zion Chapel Station musicians, choir, and the Southwest District Choir ministered to the conference through songs and praise and helped to manifest the Holy Spirit throughout the conference. Some of the selections included “Days of Elijah,” “How Great is Our God,” and “Your Grace and Mercy.”
The First Opening Day Worship Service ignited the fire that set the conference ablaze. The Rev. Mitchell servedas the worship leader. The Rt. Rev. Julius H. McAllister, Sr., the presiding prelate of the 8th Episcopal District, brought the opening message, “The Fairness of God,” from 1 Corinthians 13:1-7. Bishop McAllister told us that God is all supreme and will not allow us to have power over him. He concluded this sermon with the words of the song, “Grace and Mercy.” What a perfect conclusion. Afterward, he led the conference in the Holy Communion along with Presiding Elders Banks, Bland Washington, and George W. Tyler (retired). Fifty-four Christians participated in thecelebration.
The First Day Afternoon Session was convened with devotion by the Rev. Robert McDonald and the Rev. James Johnson, Sr. Afterward, the Business Session began with Presiding Elder Banks organizing the conference and calling for the roll call of pastors and stewards. The efficient District Secretary, Sister LeVera Allen, called the roll with each pastor and steward affirming their presence with a Bible verse.
The First Day Afternoon Workshop Session was facilitated by Presiding Elder Banks. Keeping with the conference theme, workshops were presented on “Shifting to the Next Level in Prayer” by the Rev. Anita Spencer and the Rev. James Johnson, Sr.; “Shifting to the Next Level in Worship and Evangelism” by the Rev. Emma Scott; and “Shifting to the Next Level in Prison Ministry” by the Rev. Robert McDonald and the Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Neal. All of these workshops resounded pathways to shifting prayer, evangelism, and prison ministry to a higher level.
The First Evening Session, the Rev. Neal, the pastor of New Bethel AME Church, served as the worship leader. The Rev. Sabrena Bartley, the pastor of Poplar Hill AME Church, set the church ablaze with her spirit-filledmessage, “A Revival for the Remnant,” from Ezra 9:7-9. The Poplar Hill Choir rendered two selections, “Jesus Said You Can Lean on Me,” and “This Ain’t No Ordinary Worship.” This mountaintop message was filled with fire that could not be quenched. The Rev. Bartley stood tall and mighty in the Holy Spirit.
On the Second Day Morning Session, the Reverend Johnson, the pastor of Grove AME Church, served as the devotion leader. Afterward, committee reports were made by pastors and the SWD Scholarship Committee, chaired by Dr. Malvin Williams.
Conference workshops continued: “Shifting to the Next level in Missions” by Sister Ouida Pittman; “Shifting to the Next Level in Church Safety and Security” by Brother Roosevelt Cruel; “Shifting to the Next Level inStewardship and Finance” by the Rev. Mitchell. These scholarly presentations invoked thoughtful questions and insight that will enhance our churches in mission, safety and security, and stewardship. The Ministerial Orders Committee recommended that Antosha Chambliss continue her studies toward itinerant elder orders.
The Closing Worship and Commitment Service was led by the the Rev. Bartley, who served as the worship leader. The Rev. Anita Spencer, the pastor of Historic Bethel AME Church, allowed God to use her with the message, “God is Trying to Tell us Something” from Philippians 3:12-20. The preached word resonated throughout the closing service. What a powerful and spiritual sermon. It was a message for these days and God’s people.
The 2020 District Conference of the Southwest District was an unprecedented conference that reflected the superb leadership and holiness of Presiding Elder Banks. Throughout the conference, it became evident that the District’s motto, “The Best of the Best is in the Southwest” was without a doubt on display. Therefore, Presiding Elder Banks, along with the district consultant, should be given a rising vote of thanks for planning this explosive, exuberating, uplifting, and dynamic conference.
The Rev. Mitchell and the Zion Chapel Station should be applauded for providing the hospitality that truly demonstrates the true spirit of love and fellowship. Bishop McAllister, the Rev. Sabrena Bartley, and the Rev. Spencer should be given a rising vote of thanks for uplifting our spirit with the word as well as the facilitators and workshop presenters. These capable trainers are second-to-none and used every available tool to make comprehensive presentations under-girded by the Word of God. Also, every member, guest, and friend of the Southwest District should be given a rising vote of thanks for letting God direct them to attend this conference.