Our Closing Worship service opened with the Doxology. Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie led us in the Call to Worship followed by Bishop Stafford Wicker leading us in the great hymn of the church, “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing.” The Call to Prayer came from Bishop Reginald T. Jackson. Bishop James L. Davis did the Call to Intercession. The MCAM Connectional Choir, soloist, Shirley Washington, sang “The King of Glory Jesus.” The scriptures- Acts 20:17-35 and John 21:15-17, were read respectively by Bishop Michael L. Mitchell and Bishop John C. Bryant. Bishop David R. Daniels introduced a beautiful musical selection, our Decalogue in song, from our African brothers and sisters. Bishop John F. White introduced our Senior Bishop, Adam J. Richardson, our preacher. The Connectional MCAM Choir sang the sermonic hymn. 

            Bishop Adam J. Richardson took his text from Matthew 25:35-36. He titled his sermon, “Consecrated to Custodian Service.” Highlights from his sermon include the following: 

-Custodians, keepers, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, do whatever is necessary to keep the mission of the church intact.

-We are a Matthew 25 Church.

-Always keep the Quadrennial theme. “From Legacy to Mission:  A Call to Prophetic Education and Social Engagement,” in your focus.

-The theology of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is on a pendulum, always adjusting itself.

-We must intentionally address social issues. 

-It is not our “shout” but our service that God is looking for.

-It is not our noise; it is our faithfulness that God is looking for.

-We must make a difference as we are called to account.

-There is nothing glamorous about this custodial assignment, a Bishop of the Church.

-Jesus takes it personal what you do to the least of these! Jesus words, “In as much you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto me.”

-Custodial work must become second nature.

Bishop Wilfred J. Messiah offered the Call to Discipleship, followed by commendations from Senior Bishop Richardson for the services of all retiring bishops: Bishop McKinley Young, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, and Bishop Gregory GM Ingram. Bishop Richardson shared his own litany for our spiritual giving. Bishop Clement Fugh called for our offering.

            The Service of Consecration was done by the Bishops of the Church. The four newly elected bishops were consecrated for service: 

The Reverend Dr. Silvester Beaman, the 139th Bishop,

The Reverend Dr. Marvin Clyde Zanders, II, the 140th Bishop, 

The Rev. Francine Brookins, The 141st Bishop,  

The Rev. Dr. Frederick Allen Wright, the 142nd Bishop 

Communion Service for the four newly elected and consecrated bishops and their families was held, followed by the Benediction from Bishop Paul JM Kawimbe.



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