By Rev. Renita Green, Columnist
By Rev. Renita M. Green, Columnist
Report of the Revisions Committee
The bill submitted added Women in Ministry as members of the annual conference.
Bishop Jeffrey Leath called for unreadiness and offered an amendment to include the Sons of Allen and Richard Allen Youth Council.
Chaplain A’Shellarien Lang requested that Chaplains be specifically identified as members of the Annual Conference. She stated that they often have difficulty getting the time needed to attend Annual Conference.
Amended text: “The Annual Conference shall be composed of all traveling elders and deacons (including Chaplains), all local elders and deacons, the presidents of the Conference Lay Organization and Women’s Missionary Society, and the Conference directors of the Christian Education, MCAM, Women in Ministry, Sons of Allen, YPD, and RAYC, COMM-SWANO, CDM and all other Conference Heads of Connectional Organizations together with one (1) elected lay member and at least one (1) elected layperson between the ages of eighteen to thirty-five (18-35) when possible, from each charge within its bounds.”
The motion passed by unanimous consent.
The legislative session paused for a presentation of awards.
Senior Bishop Richardson introduced The Council of Bishops’ Distinguished Service Awards which were presented to outstanding members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
For Meritorious Service in the Military and Ministry
Presented by Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie to Army Surgeon General Scott Dingle
For Strong Advocacy for the Marginalized
Presented by Bishop James Lavert Davis to Sherillyn Ifill, NAACP Legal Defense Fund
For Trailblazing Work in Science and Journalism
Presented Posthumously by Bishop Reginald Jackson to Gwen L. Ifill
For Excellence in Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology
Presented Posthumously by Bishop Jeffrey Leath to Dorothy Johnson Vaughan
Received by Dorothy Johnson Vaughan, oldest daughter
Presented Posthumously by Bishop Michael Mitchell to Mary Jackson
Richard Allen Peace & Justice Awardee
This award has only been awarded to three individuals: President Jimmy Carter, President Nelson Mandela, and President Barack, and First Lady Michelle Obama. This award was presented to Dr. Bryan Stevenson, Esq. – Executive Director Equal Justice Initiative.
Vice President Kamala Harris addressed the 51st Session of the General Conference in celebration of our rich history and our commitment to social justice initiatives, particularly Souls to the Polls and our fight for voting rights. VP Harris stated that democracy is a call and response—the AME Church responds.
The Vice President’s full speech is posted on the African Methodist Episcopal Church YouTube Channel.
Chairperson Bishop Clement W Fogh gave rules for the election proceedings. Candidates were allowed to have one sponsor in the room with them during the process.
The Episcopal Committee entered the room in their traditional somber fashion.
In the Matter of Bishop Wilfred J Messiah:
The Episcopal Committee received a letter from an attorney appealing Bishop Messiah’s location stating that the proceedings did not have due process.
Upon receipt of the letter, the Judicial Council ordered a stay of the Episcopal Committee’s actions regarding Bishop Messiah.
The Judicial Council delivered a notice of trial that was to be held at 5:00pm.
The Judicial Council met at 1:30 pm for a pre-trial hearing.
The trial began at 5pm on Thursday, July 9, 2021
Bishop Messiah appeared in person with three attorneys on zoom.
There were documents presented, witnesses, and exhibits.
Bishop Messiah was able to cross-examine witnesses against him.
The Judicial Council also cross-examined Bishop Messiah’s witnesses.
The Judicial Committee found that there was sufficient evidence.
1—Bishop Messiah had been found criminally liable by the High Court of Lusaka for misuse of charitable funds.
2—Inappropriate assessment of General Conference Delegate/Alternate fees.
3—Assigning unelected delegates/alternate delegates
The Judicial Council did not rule on delegates/alternates as their credentials were certified by the Credential Committee. However, they did find him to be untruthful in his testimony about the matter.
They did not consider an array of complaints again Bishop Messiah.
After reviewing the evidence and hearing the witness testimony, the Judicial Council found sufficient evidence to sustain the ruling of the Episcopal Committee and thereby lifted the stay imposed.
For the record, neither Rev. Dr. Vernon Byrd, Jr nor Glenda Hodges participated in the decision.
The location of Bishop Wilfred J Messiah is upheld.
The second matter of the Episcopal Committee was to recommend the election of four Bishops at this 51st Session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Several Points of Inquiry were deemed to be not regarding parliamentary procedure so, therefore, not recognized.
The report was received
1270 yes 153 no 39 abstained
The Election Committee prepared delegates for the election
Following test questions to ensure all delegates were able to vote, the election began.