Are Your Church Microphones Illegal?
By Crystal Bailey
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently made changes, phasing out the 600 MHz frequencies band. This could affect the wireless and in-ear microphones in your churches, and in some cases, make them illegal to use. Churches that haven’t updated their wireless sound system in recent years may have trouble being heard on any given Sunday.
The increased use of cell phones means millions of people are now jamming the airwaves as they attempt to access the Internet. This has caused the FCC to reclaim a band of airwave frequencies (614 MHz-698 MHz) and auctioned them off to cellular providers. T-Mobile bought 45 percent of the available 600MHz spectrum during a 2017 auction. This means we can no longer use wireless production devices like wireless microphones with frequencies ranging between 600-699 MHz.
The FCC stated usage is permitted until July 13, 2020, unless the auction owner decides to start using this space. T-Mobile has already begun using this space; and in some churches within the U.S., wireless microphones only get static because that space is in use.
After July 13, 2020, it will be illegal to use these microphones in the 600-699 MHz range. Some common problems you will face will be increasing interference, which may result in loud static or the microphone will simply shut down. Eventually, it will render the microphones useless. It is also possible that you may be subject to fines or legal charges.
Churches across the U.S. are already replacing their equipment. In addition to churches, other industries likely affected by the FCC change include local theaters, schools, conference centers, and sports stadiums.
Some of the major manufacturers for microphone like Shure, Sennheiser, and AKG are offering rebates on new purchases for trade-ins of old equipment. Some of the rebates are expiring soon.
Beware of sellers on eBay, Craigslist, and other Internet outlets selling used low-priced wireless equipment in the 600-699 MHz bandwidth. Always ask the frequency information before purchase. You can typically find the frequency (MHz) information on your wireless receiver or the battery compartment on the microphone. There is more information on the FCC website if you search “wireless microphones.”
Ms. Crystal Bailey is the owner of Shine Productions LLC—a consulting firm that specializes in providing multimedia production services for churches and other nonprofit entities. She is a member of the AME Zion Church worshipping at Lomax Temple, Detroit and has served in various capacities throughout the denomination including the Connectional Lay Council and several times as a delegate to the AME Zion General Conference.