African Methodist Episcopal Church Connectional Lay Organization (CLO) Know Your Church History – Part 2 of 4 Part Series

African Methodist Episcopal Church

Connectional Lay Organization (CLO)

Know Your Church History – Part 2 of 4 Part Series

  1. Who was the first president of the 15th District Lay Organization and later organized and served as the first president of the 19th District Lay Organization located in the Republic of South Africa (RSA)?

  1. What is the name of the outstanding Layperson who served as an AME Church General Officer and has an office building named in his honor in downtown Washington D. C.?

  1. Who is the current “President/Publisher” of the AME Church Publishing House?

  1. Who was the first elected Bishop of the AME Church?

  1. What is the name of the first female President of the Connectional Lay Organization who served the CLO from 1985-1993?

  1. Who was elected to serve as the fourth and fifth District President of the 19th District Lay Organization (RSA)?

  1. Who was the CLO President when the 2006 Empowerment Summit was held in Johannesburg (RSA)?

8      What is the name of the historiographer’s book every layperson should own as a resource tool?

  1. What do the initials “YAR” mean?

  1. He is a former General Officer (Publishing House), a former Lay Commission Chair, and is currently a retired Bishop. What is his name?

  1. What is the name of the Connectional Lay Organization’s quarterly publication?

  1. The CLO Biennial was held in what city and state in 2015?

  1. Sister Christian Brogdon Gilchrist was president of which Episcopal District’s Lay Organization?

  1. When and where was the first AME Church founded?

  1. Who is referred to as the “Four Horsemen” of the AME Church?

  1. He served four years as the AME Church Historiographer and published the book “History of the AME Church.”Name him.

  1. He served as a member of the AME Church General Board from 1972 to 1976 from the 4th District. What is his name?

  1. He represented the 16th District as a member of the General Board in 1972 – from Trinidad, West Indies. What is his name?

  1. In what year were Laymen given equal lay representation in the General Conference and in all other areas of the AME Church?

  1. She was one of ten persons from the 1st District to serve as an officer in the CLO. Her dad was an officer as well. What is her name?

Submitted by:

Mr. Matikane A. Makita, CLO President

Mr. William “Bill” Ayers, CLO Historiographer


African Methodist Episcopal Church

Connectional Lay Organization (CLO)

Know Your Church History – Part 2 of 4 Part Series


  1. Dr. Wilfred Noel Nduna. He was selected to organize the 15th and 19th District Lay Organizations (RSA), because of his outstanding leadership qualities and organizational skills. Dr. Nduna received a Master’s Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the USA. He was an active participant in Trinity AME Church in Evaton (RSA). The AME Church in Letihabile Brits North West (RSA) honors him and bears his name.

  1. Dr. Joseph Columbus McKinney. The building was rededicated and renamed in 2010. General Officer McKinney served as Treasurer of the AME Church from 1972 to 1990. “Joe”/“Doc” also served as one of the outstanding Presidents of the 2nd District Lay Organization and was an active member of Ward Memorial AME Church in Washington, District of Columbia.

  1. The Rev. Dr. Roderick Dwayne Belin

  1. The Rev. Daniel Coker. However, while he was elected Bishop, he did not serve.  Richard Allen was then elected, consecrated, and ordained the first Bishop of the AME denomination.

  1. Dr. Kathryn Vernetta Middleton Brown – A principal in the Georgia School system, she also served as a president of the World Methodist Council Presidium. A talented and gifted woman, “Dr. Kay/Kay”

      was an active member of Cosmopolitan AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

  1. Brother Matikane Abednego Makiti – Our Current Connectional Lay Organization President

  1. Dr. Jesse L. Burns, Jr. (See the tribute to Dr. Burns in the October 2022 Historiographers webpage on the CLO website as submitted by 11th District Historiographer, Sister Deborah Gillard)

  1. The CLO Historical Journal (a written history of the Connectional Lay Organization of the AME Church)

  1. (Y) Young (A) Adult (R) Representative

  1. Bishop Henry Allen Belin, Jr.

  1. We Speak – published by the CLO Director of Public Relations (DOPR)

  1. Charleston, South Carolina

  1. Seventh Episcopal District Lay Organization

  1. The first AME Church was founded in 1816 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  1. Richard Allen, William Paul Quinn, Daniel A. Payne, and Henry McNeal Turner

  1. Dr. Howard D. Gregg

  1. Judge Sidney A. Jones

  1. Mr. S. Napoleon Cuffy

  1. 1928

  1. Mrs. Ethel M. Wallace Jenkins – Director of Lay Activities and First Vice President


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