A.M.E.Church Bridge
Financial Freedom
Step 5: Make your Money Work for You!
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“Money is the ONLY cash asset that works seven days a week.”
Richard Allen Lewis, Sr.
“Money Is Merely A Reward For Solving A Problem.”
Mike Murdock
“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.” 3 John 1:2
It is no big secret! Everybody knows that they want to make their money increase. To do so, you have to discipline to pay yourself! Tithe to yourself! If you do not tithe unto God, you will not tithe unto yourself. Pay yourself at least one-tenth of your earnings. You must learn to control your spending so that you can increase your savings and then your savings can become investments. Money in your pocket will be spent on foolish things.
You have to make your earnings work for you. After you pay bills and have tithed to God, put 10% or more away to invest. Do this for one whole year. If you are a true investor, you will have saved one-tenth of your salary. That means if you make $50,000 a year you should be able to save $5,000.
Stop spending foolishly. Start thinking wisely. Stop looking for easy money. Easy money is hard to make. First of all, there’s no such thing as easy money. You must invest your money wisely. If someone comes to you and tells you, “I know how you can increase your money” but their money never increases, do not give them your money to invest.
Now, if you are fortunate to be around someone who says, “I know of an investment that you can be a part of” and you know that they make money, you should take a chance. You can increase your money by being around people that increase their money. Everybody has a sad story that leads them to need to borrow your money. You must learn to say no. The “N” stands for “not” and the “O” stands for “option.” That is not an option. Say, “I am sorry I cannot lend you my money right now.”
This is how money increases. Money is like children. You take that first child and invest the $5,000. The next year, you take the money that you made from the first child (money) plus what you have continued to save. Now, you invest these monies. They are essentially grandchildren. Your grandchildren are making money for you. Your grandchildren or the $5,000 should at least multiply to $10,000 or $15,000. Then, take those grandchildren and make great-grandchildren work for you. You’re increasing your investments. It’s more money, more money, and more money!
The reason this series is called “The Bridge to Financial Freedom” is because you have to cross over. We are so used to doing things the same old way and getting the same result. You have to change. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and say, “I am the head and not the tail!” You can do it—all you have to do is take these easy steps:
- Tithing (pay God first)
- Control your spending
- Start paying yourself
- Make your home a profitable investment for you and your family
- Make your money work for you
- Guard your money from loss
- Increase your ability to learn about money by reading
- Increase your ability to research money
- Invest your money
The money will come to you if you are able to save one-tenth of your earnings. A wise person will know that they need to multiply their money and will start saving. Make sure you are investing with people who know how to invest their money. Please stop lending your money to people who keep borrowing from you and never pay you back. Stop listening to the sad stories. Stop listening to the trickster in people who are always scheming. If they are spending their money foolishly, they want to spend your money foolishly as well. If someone comes to you and tells you they do not have money to pay their rent, cell phone, or car, look and see how they are dressed. Ask the question, “What are you spending your money on?” You are paying for their mistakes! Stop enabling bad behaviors and habits!