8th Business Session of the AME Church 52nd Quadrennial: Key Highlights and Updates

8th Business Session of the AME Church 52nd Quadrennial: Key Highlights and Updates

By Jefyne Togba, Contributing Writer

The 8th business session of the AME Church’s 52nd Quadrennial, chaired by Bishop E. Anne Henning Byfield, was marked by significant reports, leadership transitions, and critical discussions that will shape the future of the AME Church.. The session began with the completion of reports from previous days, providing vital updates from various commissions and committees.

Health Commission: A Legacy of Service

The Health Commission, chaired by Bishop Francine A. Brookins, presented its activities through a video report. The commission highlighted the work done across districts, particularly in disaster preparedness, immunization campaigns, COVID-19 responses, and strategic partnerships. The International Health Commission, which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2022, operates with decentralized initiatives driven by individual districts. The session noted significant leadership changes as Rev. Natalie Mitchem, the Executive Director, and Bishop Brookins, Chair of the Commission, will retire in September, along with Rev. Dr. Burnett. Their contributions were celebrated with high commendations for their exemplary leadership during challenging times for the AME Church.

Connectional Women in Ministry: A Vision of Strength

Rev. Dr. Erica Crawford, the President of Connectional Women in Ministry, delivered her final report in this capacity as she aspires to the office of Bishop. Under the theme “Walking in Our Strength: Iron Sharpens Iron,” the report reflected on priorities and achievements during her tenure. Noteworthy accomplishments include leadership development through the Maximizing Ministry webinars and a doctrine and discipline drive that provided over 300 copies to Districts 14-20. Other highlights include the Jacqueline Grant Scholarship, the Jarena Lee Leadership Academy, and a $10K seed donation to Turner Theological Seminary. The statistics revealed a remarkable increase in women achieving Masters in Divinity and those ordained to serve, with the number of ordained women leading their delegations nearly tripling.

RAYAC: Empowering the Youth

The RAYAC report emphasized the core focus on creating, cultivating, and engaging young people within the church. Significant developments include the establishment of a RAYAC community group on Facebook and the launch of their website. A major highlight is the inaugural “40 Under 40ish” gala, set to recognize outstanding young members across all Episcopal districts,a side event at the AMEC 52nd Quadrennial Session of the General Conference. 

Economic Development Commission: Financial Reflections

The Economic Development Commission presented a brief report, emphasizing the critical link between financial resources and mission work, with the memorable statement, “Missions and ministry without money is madness.” Commendations were given for the committee’s diligent work.

Episcopal Committee: Addressing Allegations

Dr. Anderson delivered the Episcopal Committee’s report, focusing on allegations against Bishop McCloud concerning violations of dignity, personhood, and pastoral duty. Another complaint addressed was against Bishop Daniels for failing to hold an annual conference for three years, with findings deeming the allegations unfounded. Bishop McCloud responded, citing procedural concerns, including a lack of due diligence and an opportunity to defend himself.

Retirement Services: A Critical Update

Rev. Dr. James F. Miller, Director of Retirement Services, made an important announcement informing the General Conference of his decision not to seek re-election as Executive Director of Retirement Services, marking the end of his candidacy.

Bishop McCloud’s Statement: A Call for Resolution

In a heartfelt statement, Bishop McCloud requested that his position be located. Following his appeal, the Presiding Bishop asked the Episcopal Committee to receive the Bishop’s request and provide the General Conference with a resolution. 

Resolutions and Future Directions

In the final moments of the session, Bishop Samuel L. Green Sr. assumed the chairmanship, steering a crucial discussion on the future of the retirement program. Senior Bishop Adam J. Richardson responded to Bishop McCloud’s earlier statement, providing context on the changes in retirement funding since 1996. The session culminated in the passing of a resolution that called on the Commission on Statistics and Finance to devise and present a plan to the General Conference by August 26. This plan is to outline how retirement benefits can be restored to 100%. The resolution also stipulated that the General Conference could not be adjourned until the plan was both presented and accepted. While the motion passed, there was a cautionary note raised about the potential financial burden on local churches, highlighting the importance of careful consideration as the process moves forward.

The 8th session was a pivotal moment for the AME Church, addressing leadership transitions, financial stewardship, and the need for strategic planning as the AMEC moves forward.



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Rev. Vorgar K. Bryant
Rev. Vorgar K. Bryant
15 days ago

Great job.

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