Statement from the Council of Bishops
October 5, 2018
The Second and Seventh Episcopal Districts recently suffered damage as the result of Hurricane Florence. Most of the damage was not done during the storm, but because of the ensuing flooding, which resulted in rising water levels, not only of bodies of water, but throughout streets and communities causing damage to homes and other facilities. Some of our churches, and the homes of our members have been damaged.
Bishop James Davis of the Second Episcopal District and Bishop Samuel Green of the Seventh Episcopal District are requesting the support of the connectional church to assist our churches and congregants. They have informed us that the need is not for clothing or other physical needs, but for financial support. We are asking that Episcopal Districts and/ or local churches receive offerings or make financial contributions to the “AME Church” and send them to the Finance Department of the AME Church. On the memo line note “Hurricane Florence.” Gift cards are also welcomed and may be sent directly to either the Second or Seventh Episcopal Districts. We ask that contributions be received and sent to the Finance Department as soon as possible.
In addition to your contributions, please continue to lift these Episcopal Districts and our fellow AME’s in prayer.
The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church