Why I support the recommendation to repeal the ban on same sex marriage in the AME Church

Why I support the recommendation to repeal the ban on same sex marriage in the AME Church

By John Thomas III, Ph.D., Editor

In 2004 at the 47th Quadrennial Session of the AME General Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, one of the first acts was to vote on a bill to prohibit AME clergy from participating in same sex ceremonies and to forbid their celebration on AME Church property. This action was motivated by the consecration of V. Gene Robinson, a married gay man, as a Bishop in The Episcopal Church in 2003. The bill was passed in a hurried voice vote with no debate. As I looked across the 13th delegation, I saw the faces of people who I knew were in long-term same gender relationships, yet enthusiastically said, “Aye!” to conform with what was seen as a foregone conclusion. 

Twenty years have passed and much has changed. Same sex marriage is now legal in the United States and thirty-four other countries—including South Africa. The United Methodist Church has repealed the forty-year ban on clergy in same gender relationships as well as the prohibition on same sex marriage. In addition to the UMC, The Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the United Church of Christ and the Presbyterian Church all have clergy and laity at the highest levels in open same sex relationships. Prominent theologians and ministers within the Black Church such as Bishop Yvette Flunder and Rev. Dr. Brandon Thomas Crawley openly advocate for a shift in the culture towards embracing the fullness of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) Community.

At the 51st Quadrennial Session of the General Conference in 2021, the AME Church took its first step towards a discernment process by forming the Sexual Ethics Discernment Committee under the leadership of Rev. Teresa L. Fry Brown, Ph.D., the Executive Director of Research and Scholarship. For three years, this committee brought together a diverse panel of AME clergy and laity representing various ideologies and backgrounds. The Committee’s charge was “to develop and propose legislation that undergirds the evangelical responsibility of the church ‘to minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people’ – including people of sexual orientations and gender identities.”  

The Committee that was authorized by the General Conference has brought back a recommendation that the ban on same sex marriage be removed from the Doctrine and Discipline to allow for further dialogue and to acknowledge that the Connectional Church is not of one mind on the issue of same sex marriage. 

“What about losing Districts 14-20?”  In addition to the United States, same sex marriage is legal in the following countries where AME congregations exist Brazil, Cuba, France, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. This bill does not force pastors to perform gay marriages, but it would allow those who wish to do so where it is legally permissible the freedom to follow their conscience without fear of retribution. 

The Committee that we entrusted to do this task is composed of scholars whose works we uplift constantly and whose preaching and teaching are highly sought after throughout our Connectional Church and beyond. We have listened to and admired their work for years—so why should there be any reluctance in following their recommendation now? 

“Will this split the church?”  There are people who have stoked the fear that repealing the ban on same sex marriage will divide the AME Church. Indeed, several candidates have opportunistically used this stance to advance their aspirations to greater office. While the Connectional Church is not of one mind on same sex marriage, every Sunday, we remind ourselves that we are to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. It is in this spirit of love for all of God’s people in this church that this discussion must continue.

I trust the process and support the repeal of the ban on same sex marriage as we continue to have conversations and prayerful dialogue—and I encourage all voting delegates to do the same. 



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6 months ago

Revelation 2:18-24 ESV “Write to the angel of the church in Thyatira: Thus says the Son of God, the one whose eyes are like a fiery flame and whose feet are like fine bronze:19 “I know your works ​— ​your love, faithfulness, service, and endurance. I know that your last works are greater than the first.20 “But I have this against you: You tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and deceives my servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat meat sacrificed to idols.21 “I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to repent of her sexual immorality.22 “Look, I will throw her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great affliction. Unless they repent of her works,23 “I will strike her children dead.Then all the churches will know that I am the one who examines minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to your works.24 “I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who haven’t known “the so-called secrets of Satan” ​— ​as they say ​— ​I am not putting any other burden on you.”

Chel Zakar
Chel Zakar
6 months ago

Now people are being sent to hell through the church doors?!?

Joyce Gulledge Harris
Joyce Gulledge Harris
6 months ago

I agree. Thank you for starting this much-needed discussion. See my comments to Rev Dr Trina Armstrong.

6 months ago

What a travesty of God’s word! Since when is it acceptable to simply legislate God’s Word away? What other sins might be dismissed simply because they are popular? Can we embrace voodoo, horoscopes, and African mysticism just because they are popular? Should we disregard God’s Word because scientist has not definitively proven His existence? What about the Church Fathers who held God’s Word dear, even unto death? Are we to claim they were all mistaken in their interpretation? Should I believe that God’s people misunderstood homosexuality for over 4000 years? Is it not a sin? What about historical documents that contradict this view, such as the Didache, The works of Augustine, and Eusebius? What about Richard Allen, the founder of the AME church? Did he get it wrong? Should we now erase these texts to further this agenda? The only individuals who reinterpret scripture for political purposes are cult leader. If that’s the case, the AME church as entered the realm of cultism.

Evangelist LaDonna Amos
Evangelist LaDonna Amos
6 months ago

Surely, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But as ministers and laity of the AME Church our responsibility rests in propelling all lost men into salvation. It is our charge to love all people, sinners and saints. Love the sinner and hate the sin. To allow God’s sacred union of matrimony to be defouled in our churches equates to putting guns in the hands of murders. By supporting these unions as a church, we forge a path of eternal death upon those who partake of these unions.
Undisputedly, our world has changed, but our God remains the same and his word endures forever.

Rev. Dr.Roy Jones
Rev. Dr.Roy Jones
Reply to  Evangelist LaDonna Amos
5 months ago

We must stand on the Word of God. The Word isn’t always popular. We should influence culture and not allow culture to shift our beliefs and behaviors.

6 months ago

I’m new to the AME church, but I have already voiced my opinion to my pastor how I find it totally against God when this church body wants & has chosen to be part of the world by accepting exactly what God has said is an “abomination” to Him! Either we teach & live from the entire Bible, or none of it; we can’t pick & choose according to society. I will sit, stand, present my case with any bishop or pastor on this subject. All I have to stand on is God’s Word. Until God tells me different, I’m holding to my faith! Asantewaah

6 months ago

I am deeply saddaned by this issue i have been proud that my church is against same sex marriage ,as our God directs us.Peoplehave developed or educated to such an exted that they want to change all what God said.Others want legalization of mariuna now is the same sex marriage people are governed buy lust,The church belongs to God not governments of this world let us stand in the truth by following God’s tenets not peoples feelings Amen.

Rev. Dr.Roy Jones
Rev. Dr.Roy Jones
Reply to  Viki
5 months ago

Amen. 🙏🏾
Lord help us.

Best Kabwe Kakusa
Best Kabwe Kakusa
6 months ago

The love for a neighbor does not translate to comforting to the standards of the world. Same sex marriage is simply an act not acceptable biblically and from a cultural perspective here in Africa to be specific. It cannot be tolerated on both moral and biblical standards. The “love” for a neighbor should not be used to wood wink people. If the argument serves to divide rather than unite- why even advocate for it? Is to test the people’s resolve towards a certain belief or is it to advance interests that are beneficial for vested interests by the protagonists?? Let’s get this debate buried and move on to other issues that require our serious intentions.

Br wisdom Luputa
Br wisdom Luputa
6 months ago

I totally vote NNOOOOO !!! Are we following the gospel or the world 🌎?

Evangelist LaDonna Amos
Evangelist LaDonna Amos
Reply to  Br wisdom Luputa
6 months ago

I concur. We are not to conform to this world. In as much as we are charged to love the sinner, there is not an allowance to condone the sin.

Last edited 6 months ago by Evangelist LaDonna Amos
Alfred Stephanus Goliath
Alfred Stephanus Goliath
6 months ago

It is unfortunate that my reply posted 7 hours ago was not yet authorised.
This topic is one that should not be decided on a recommendation of a committee that was appointed in 2021. I am of the opinion that this committee didn’t consult all and sundry of the AME diaspora. I am convinced that they only had some consultation in the USA and will present a US model to be make applicable to all in the AME Connection, which will be a sad day in hell.
Our Bishop during his first in person Conference in 2022 in Africa, informed us that this will come up at the 2024 GC, and we will have to accept it as such. He didn’t allow any discussion on the matter and maybe instruction the Presiding Elders not to entertain same.
The writer makes reference that the UMC unban that at their GC in May 2024, but he failed to inform us what the consequences of that resolve for the UMC was. The Global Methodist Church was born, as conservatives within the UMC didn’t accept it. Further across in Africa, the UMC in Ivory Coast decided to go alone on their own as they didn’t support the decision and was also not given a chance to speak on it at the GC.
The only country in Africa who allowed same-sex marriages is South Africa, while others have legislation against it.
It is unfortunate that others will not have the chance to speak out against this lifestyle, which is not according to their norms, values, cultures and traditions and Christian beliefs.
Is the Connectional AME Church prepared to take the same gamble?
Some of us don’t understand how someone allowing this, can preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ and not condemn what is forbidden in the Bible. This lifestyle is not according to the Word of God.

Kelvin Mbetela
Kelvin Mbetela
6 months ago

The word of God clear and God did not create man to marry a fellow man or a woman to marry a woman.
This is what the bible says on marriage
Genesis 2:24 – Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Mark 10:6-9 ~ But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separates.
I’m AME and I support the repeal. I strongly disagree with the so called LGBTQ in the church of God.

6 months ago

Let every district have debates and discussion on the same sex marriages and gay and lesbianism

Gaborone Lesito
Gaborone Lesito
6 months ago

We should not choose which laws to repeal and which to uphold. The Lord has spoken. The Lord has not changed His mind.
If the society, including several denominations have already gone that way, it should not mean we too should go that way. Which law or commandment is next to be repealed when it is accepted by society? Theft, Adultery, Envy, etc. happen openly, should we legalise these too?
Have we allowed Liers, Idolators, and me with my sins, etc. in churches? Yes. Do we love them? Yes. Should we allow gay persons in church? Yes. Should we love them? Yes.
Should we tell them each Sunday that it is a sin, like we do those who do not honour the Sabbath and their parents? Yes.

6 months ago

We should stop trying to conform to the patterns of this world.

6 months ago

The church setting people on the highway to hell. Tolerating sin in the name of love of people is not love at all. We hate those who practice sodomy if we cannot encourage them to repent. What do we think of the future of the church in countries where this is outlawed? It simply means we don’t care and are ready to see them leave. We wait and see

Alfred Stephanus Goliath
Alfred Stephanus Goliath
6 months ago

Is the AME Church practices still build on Biblical foundations? A committee was tasked to develop and propose legislation. However sad that this committee will present a US model and thinking on this subject, while we claim to be a Global Church. The writer mentioned that the United Methodist Church pass similar legislation at their last General Conference, but didn’t share the consequences of that decision. The UMC split and the so-called conservatives started the Global Methodist Church, and in Ivory Coast on the continent of Africa, they also resolve to leave the United Methodist Church. The delegates from Ivory Coast were not given a change to their views on this matter, the similar way we do it in the AME Church now. The committee never got a perspective of the people from Districts 14 – 20, I know that the Bishop from my District mentioned about this subject in 2022 when he first came to the district and that it is coming, but never allowed a discussion on it and say people have to accept it when voted on by the 2024 GC. Reference is made to South Africa, where same sex marriages are allowed but not about the other countries which have legislation in place to forbid it. Let us be fair towards each other and also consider the Christian values and believes, norms, traditions, cultures and practices of other in our Church, otherwise the AME Church is destined to go the same way as the UMC. For some of us this same sex relationships are a lifestyle adopted by people and justified by them. I will not go into the biblical part of this, but don’t know how someone who allowed this can teach my about biblical principles and redeeming grace of God.

Bobby Seepersaud
Bobby Seepersaud
6 months ago

In the original and still enforced creation plan, God did not change His mind. Neither should you or the AMEC. See Jesus comment in Matthew’s Gospel. The principle has not changed. Who are we to tell the Potter what and how to make us. Is He not Sovereign? It has nothing to do with hate or not loving your neighbor. It’s what doth says the LORD.

Daniel Fulgencio Kery
Daniel Fulgencio Kery
6 months ago

La Iglesia A.M.E en la que crecí, es una iglesia bíblica una iglesia que sabe interpretar bien las escrituras, y que no se dobla ante la presión cultural! La iglesia A.ME es una iglesia de hombres y mujeres luchadores que en un momento se resistieron a seguir el patrón de segregación, amparándose a la palabra. Enseñen la bíblia, leanla y ya dejen de solo repetir lo mismo “Dios es amor” porque Dios ama, pero aborrece encarecidamente el pecado, y no hay otro nombre para todo eso mas que uno solo: Pecado.

Eddie Clark Jr.
Eddie Clark Jr.
6 months ago

Spirit of Love for All God’s 🙏 People in Jesus Name 🙏

Annette Waller
Annette Waller
6 months ago

I support lift the ban ,the information above is on target.

Millie Jackson
Millie Jackson
6 months ago

It’s not loving to allow people to engage in a lifestyle that will ultimately destroy them when God is willing and able to deliver them and give them a life that is so much better if they will only turn to Him and ask. He can provide healthy Godly relationships so that they never need to feel empty or lonely. To say that they need to just accept it is to say there is something God can’t do. Pastors have a duty to warn people and to show them a better way. There is no peace to be found outside the will of God. Ezekiel 33:6. “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet. and the people are not warned and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watch man’s hand.”

Alexis Pinkston
Alexis Pinkston
6 months ago

Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

Genesis 2:24 – Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Mark 10:6-9 ~ But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 – Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Timothy 1:8-11 ESV – Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

1 Corinthians 7:2 – But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.
orality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.


Gloria Smith
Gloria Smith
Reply to  Alexis Pinkston
6 months ago

God don’t make no mistakes. Male and female. All other is personal life styles. Praying for the ministers that will disclaim the word of God

Este Anita Frazier
Este Anita Frazier
Reply to  Alexis Pinkston
6 months ago

If pastors are allowed to marry homosexual couples, does this mean we, as a church denomination, condone homosexuality? Does this also mean we, as the AME Church, are going to go against the word of God? Is there a need to pacify members who are already practicing homosexuality, in addition to pacifying what the world does? Homosexuality is a sin, an evil spirit, and this sin comes from the author of lies, confusion and division, Satan. We love the sinner, but NOT the sin. Prayer and spiritual/mental counseling is needed for souls to be saved, but don’t allow them to become married. Don’t let this evil spirit take presedence in your churches. Marriage is still a sacred act ordained by God.

Go back and read again, the following passages: 1 Cor. 7:2, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, 1 Cor. 6:9-10, Mark 10:6-9, Genesis 2:24, Romans 1:26-28, Jude 1:7, and Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13. The world has changed, but God never changes.

Este Anita Frazier
Este Anita Frazier
Reply to  Alexis Pinkston
6 months ago

You made a great point, Alexis 🙂

Dr. Brandon Karl Allen
Dr. Brandon Karl Allen
6 months ago

Well written John Thomas! I too support the recommendation to repeal the ban on same-sex marriage in the AME Church. If we are to move forward as a denomination, we MUST show love to everyone, including those who love on the margins.

Bishop Flunder speaks of Sustaining Community in her book, Where the Edge Gathers. “Sustaining Christian community requires an intentional effort to design a framework that includes everyone in the life of the church.” In my opinion, this means that the church has to change its view on many practices that go on in the church today, especially marriage and same-sex unions. Once the church accepts same gender loving (SGL) couples, that same community must be responsible for holding SGL person accountable for faithfulness in personal relationships just as they hold heterosexual couples responsible. Ultimately, SGL couples need community. Bishop Flunder says, “It is essential that the church, as community, welcome and affirm same-sex unions, to heal some of the damage of the past and to create possibilities for accountability and involvement in community.”

Ronnie Erastus
Ronnie Erastus
Reply to  Dr. Brandon Karl Allen
6 months ago

Was hoping to see a biblical verse in your post.I didn’t see any.

…and have also not found in my search on on this subject a sound scientific argument that says some people have a ‘Gay Gene’ in them.

The ‘I was born this way’ is unscientific.

This same sex life style can be changed if one is willing and obedient to God’s changing power

Last edited 6 months ago by Ronnie Erastus
Eddie Clark Jr.
Eddie Clark Jr.
6 months ago

Prayers 🙏🙏🙏 Voting 🙏 Delation in Jesus Name

M. H.
M. H.
6 months ago

Amen! While I don’t agree with same gender marriage or abortions. Who are we to judge. How is this any different from a woman’s right to choose in which I do agree? We are all God’s children and only he can stand in judgment of scriptural sins.

Dr. Carol T. Mitchell
Dr. Carol T. Mitchell
6 months ago

Where is the Church on what the Word of God says – the Bible? My question is NOT about denominations; it is about what we (Christians/Believers/Followers of Christ) believe the Word of God says about everything!

Rev. Dr. Trina Armstrong
Rev. Dr. Trina Armstrong
6 months ago

I support the repeal. I’m a AME IE and professor of pastoral counseling and clinical mental health. I taught a course called Person in Community at a well known diverse UMC seminary. This is the course description:

This course explores the doctrine of the imago Dei and a relational understanding of human personhood. We will reflect on the fullness of our humanity and what it means to be made in the image of God by examining theological, spiritual, and biopsychosocial development theories at the intersection of race, gender, sexuality, and class. Our journey will engage four questions: Who are you? Who and what has influenced who you are and who you are becoming? Who are we in relationship to each other? and Who are we in relationship to God? The course aims to deepen student’s awareness of self, God, and others towards an embodied relational identity in the context of their spiritual and vocational development. Students will also examine the social structures and ideologies that lead to dehumanization and oppression and the factors that inhibit this relational ideal. Through course readings, media, and interactions in community with peers and the teaching team, students will consider how their social locations, power, and privilege shapes the way they see, respond, and relate to others who are different from them and the impact this may have on their ability to cultivate relationships as pastors, ministers, pastoral counselors, educators, and community leaders.

It was the integration of psychology, theology, biology, sociology, and anthropology. We explored human development and intersectionality, sexism, racism, ableism, and homophobia.

Humans are complex and the Bible does not capture this complexity. We need other areas of knowledge to understand and still the sources of knowledge I mentioned help, but leave room for a full understanding of the intricacies of God’s marvelous creation. God says humans are good.

Sexuality is fluid and complex, reducing it to a few misunderstood and interpreted Bible scriptures that intricacies misunderstandings of same-sex attraction is oppressive to those who live on the continuum of one aspect of their identity. It’s more than who one sleeps with and more than a lifestyle.

My hope, as is the goal of the course, is removing the ban is a step forward in welcoming human diversity in all its complexity in our churches and we open ourselves to expanding and liberating ourselves from oppressing anyone when God loves everyone.

Ronnie Erastus
Ronnie Erastus
Reply to  Rev. Dr. Trina Armstrong
6 months ago

The word of God is above everything, cannot be substituted by any other literature.

Reply to  Rev. Dr. Trina Armstrong
6 months ago

Does “welcoming human diversity in all its complexity in our churches” include welcoming paedophiles (people attracted to children). What is next on the agenda? It seems like there are some who have had this agenda on their checklist and they have been working all along to come to the point where they shove their will upon the church. God forbid that this agenda should be adopted. Let those who believe in it split and form their own places of worship. People of God let us stand against this abomination else God’s wrath will consume all of us.

Joyce Gulledge Harris
Joyce Gulledge Harris
Reply to  Rev. Dr. Trina Armstrong
6 months ago

Excellent! Well done. If we believe the scripture, we are all created in God’s image — how much more complex is that? Who can explain it all? All of us are human beings first — created by God and loved by God unconditionally. Who knows the mind of God? Maybe there is a lesson for us in accepting same-sex marriage and working through the concerns/issues that impact the LGBTQ+ community, including our children and their healthcare, as we should do, and sometimes claim to do, in the heterosexual community. God is the judge of all things and of all men and women. Thank you, Rev Dr Armstrong.

Donald A.
Donald A.
Reply to  Rev. Dr. Trina Armstrong
6 months ago

You are allowing your educational training to mask the plainly written word of God. All of God’s “shall nots” and “do nots” are absolutely infallible. No matter what our/your current position may be concerning contemporary issues we know that God will forever remain true to His unchanging word. And God’s word speaks out loud and clear against the acceptance of not just homsexually but all sin.

Carl Watkins
Carl Watkins
6 months ago

I disagree with the proposal to allow gay marriages in the pulpit or to be performed by AME clergy. This act undermines God’s purpose for marriage. Just because other people accept it does not make it right. Isaiah 55:8 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” This proposal, and the actions of other denominations are proof that God does not think like humans, and that the solutions people reach are often different from what God intends.

God’s purpose for marriage is found in several scriptures. One is Malachi 2:13-15.  Verse 15 gets more to the point. It says, “Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So, guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.”  From this we see God is seeking godly offspring through marriage. Same sex marriages do not produce offspring. Why is God seeking godly offspring? To add godly people to his Kingdom. After Jesus Christ, the godly family is the next stone for building God’s Kingdom.  If every man raises a godly family, the work of Jesus is greatly accelerated.  That is why the family today is under such attack from the devil.

Another scripture that expresses God’s purpose for marriage is Genesis 2:18. It says, “Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”  God did not make another man to be Adam’s helper, but God made a woman—”a helper fit for him,” to be Adam’s helper. This helper offers fellowship, companionship, and is of mutual help and comfort. Remember God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways God’s ways. HE decided that a woman is made for a man.

Finally, though there are more scriptures that could be used, 1 Corinthians 7:2 tells us, “But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” Other scriptures describe the benefits of marriage, and how it relates to Christ’s relationship with the church. However, the scriptures I have selected point to the purpose of marriage, and why it is intended to be between a man and a woman.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Carl E. Watkins, Jr.

Child of God
Child of God
6 months ago

Why was my comment not posted? If what I said offended you, be prepare for how God is going to deal with you. This is an abomination. Is this based upon what a bishop did in an open relationship or what The WORD OF GOD SAYS.

Child of God
Child of God
6 months ago

Sodom and Gomorrah; an abomination

Rev. Sharrice L. Autry
Rev. Sharrice L. Autry
6 months ago

I am very glad to hear about the Sexual Ethics Discernment Committee’s recommendation. It is an important step in the right direction towards inclusion in the AME Church. Personally speaking, I am proud to be a fifth generation AME preacher but it is ultimately my desire to serve in a denomination that shows acceptance and the love of Christ to all its members, the LGBTQIA+ community included.

Debbie Morrell
Debbie Morrell
6 months ago

Amen, we are all God’s children.5
We should allow him to change the minds of those who do not follow his word. You allow felons and others be a part of the church. Everyone sbould be allowed to be a part of the church and continue to pray and allow HIM to make the necessary changes. We are all his children. Continue to do what he has anointed you to DO! He will do the rest. I love all who are different, and the same! I cannot control other’s choices, only my own. It does not mean I appove of everything they do. I am not in control. Coninue to spread HIS word and he will DO the rest! We are all our Father’s children. He allows obstacales for us to learn from and work with. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? He welcomes all. Talk to him about it and HE will do the rest! Love you all.

Ronnie Erastus
Ronnie Erastus
Reply to  Debbie Morrell
6 months ago

It is interesting that you have used the ‘Felons’ in your submission and somehow equate it with those that are in same sex relationship. It is interesting because you are admitting that this act is wrong.Yes, it is wrong in the eyes of God .
The church is open to all types of sinners ( including those who are battling same sex desires in thier bodies ) who come to seek God to live righteously.

A church is not a place where such pipo are to be encouraged to continue living in sin because our worldly constitutions say so.
Does your church encouraged sex offenders, children molesters or murders to continue living as such because christ love them?

What did Jesus say to that woman who was caught in adultery? Did he not say go and sin no more?

Why should our church say come and sin more and more?

Reverend C. Victoria Brown M.Div
Reverend C. Victoria Brown M.Div
6 months ago

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! think 🤔again. God will NOT be happy for women to sleep with women & men to sleep with men
Not according to God’s WORD. I said heed God’s WORD
God will NOT be pleased.
Not my word but according to SCRIPTURES. Leviticus 18:22


Rev. Sandra Jones
Rev. Sandra Jones
Reply to  Reverend C. Victoria Brown M.Div
6 months ago

Amen! I totally Agree! If we not only be hearers but doers of the Word. James 1:22-25
Read it and apply. Tell the people Truth and not sugarcoat. Lord have mercy! If folks don’t get it right, they going to burst hell wide open!
Let’s do and teach and preach the Word of God, the absolute Truth!

Ella Samuels, Retired. PE
Ella Samuels, Retired. PE
Reply to  Reverend C. Victoria Brown M.Div
6 months ago

Amen. Make it make sense. God ‘s word will always stand.

LaDonna Brody
LaDonna Brody
6 months ago

As a 82 year old Christian, I fully support the ban. Love is love and God didn’t say be selective who is to receive our love. We as Blacks have experienced selective love because of our color. We may not fully understand life styles but it is not given to us to judge who to love. Leave the judging to God. Let all of our lives and the way we live it be between God and each
of us.

Amanda Molete
Amanda Molete
Reply to  LaDonna Brody
6 months ago

Amen, who are to judge.

Faye Golden
Faye Golden
6 months ago

Thank you for writing this. The A.M.E. Church must follow the example of Christ and minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of ALL people.

Child of God
Child of God
Reply to  Faye Golden
6 months ago

Minister to not marry every Tom, Dick and Harry. Please use Scripture not opinion

Rev. Barrington B. Ross
Rev. Barrington B. Ross
6 months ago

Should the culture dictate church doctrine and discipline? Just because the world has adopted this stand, other denominations, and noted theologians promote this stand doesn’t reflect what the AME stands for and what marriage is. Most certainly the bill was swept through like many other situations of the church mirrors, our resolve of revisiting this issue should be appropriately addressed with a vigorous discussion, debate within each caucus, and vote by ballot.

Margie Alston
Margie Alston
Reply to  Rev. Barrington B. Ross
6 months ago

I totally agree with your comments. Love whom you choose, just don’t force your choice on me. I believe the scriptures of marriage between a Man and a Woman, not Adam and Steve. Thank you.

Amanda Molete
Amanda Molete
6 months ago

I concur fully and in support the repeal of the ban of same sex marriage, we cannot as AME Church based on our foundation history as the church be the ones now discriminating our own- they are our sisters and brothers to begin with.

As a church which should the symbol of what constitute inclusivity and advocate for inclusivity.

Amanda Molete, South Africa, Free State Province, Ladybrand.

Rev. Guy Nave
Rev. Guy Nave
6 months ago

As an ordained AME minister and a tenured Full Professor at an ELCA University, I believe this repeal is long overdue.

As I wrote earlier this summer in a tribute to Bernice Johnson Reagon, “We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest.”


Linda V Johnson
Linda V Johnson
6 months ago

Why not just bury the Bible and be done with it. We can love people and still teach them right from wrong. Do what God said. Be a living testimony of HIS WORD. Have the courage to stand on HIS WORD whether people like you or not.

Reverend C Victoria Brown M.Dov
Reverend C Victoria Brown M.Dov
Reply to  Linda V Johnson
6 months ago

Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-28
Again not our word but

Reply to  Linda V Johnson
6 months ago

Amen! Amen! I want to be known as loving everybody around me, but because I say that I love Jesus Christ ….. I’m not willing to Compromise or celebrate anything that goes against God’s word. I’ve sin and God has forgiven me. We shouldn’t wallow in our sins. Repent and let it go!

Ella Samuels, Retired. PE
Ella Samuels, Retired. PE
Reply to  Linda V Johnson
6 months ago


Lydia Ashley
Lydia Ashley
Reply to  Linda V Johnson
6 months ago

Amen Sis Johnson. And yes, we as Believers in and acceptors of the Gospel as recorded in The Holy Bible, need to understand the charge we have as Disciples. We are to love the sinner, BUT hate sin, all while teaching a MORE excellent way. We ARE to walk as HOLY, in the Newness of Life….to go and SIN NO MORE, as Redeemed souls who accepted the Gift of Grace. God requires it, Christ fulfilled it. All Believers should understand it and LIVE IT.
The Church is supposed to change the world, not the other way around!
Does the LGBTQ community,
who makes personal choices everyday, expect the CHURCH to compromise the word of God as recorded in the Holy Bible? Marital/Civil Ceremonies, both traditional and non-traditional have been conducted at a Justice Hall or Courthouse for generations and are legally binding.

My question is would the Gay
candidates think it unfair if prior to any nuptial ceremony the General Church or Clergy of the Church require that they confess their sins via the “Sinners Prayer” during marital counseling? Or better yet, since it would expect to be conducted in a Sanctuary
under God’s ordinances, by ORDAINED CLERGY, would they be willing to include the profession of Faith as part of the exchange of vows? If not, then they need to have the ceremony performed at a Courthouse & not church house. Then, as a couple if they choose, can return to the temporal building to seriously worship in Spirit & Truth, love one another and grow in the gift of grace as a REDEEMED SINNER, hopefully understanding the need to no longer subcuumb to the flesh.
We need to understand that God’s word is clear about what is to be tolerated and what is not. There are rewards & blessings for being OBEDIENT TO and NOT COMPROMISING HIS WORD

Rev. Guy Nave
Rev. Guy Nave
6 months ago

The repeal of this ban is LONG overdue! As I wrote earlier this summer in a tribute to Bernice Johnson Reagon, “We who believe in Freedom Cannot Rest.”


Lauren Holley-Allen, Mount Calvary AME, Towson,MD.
Lauren Holley-Allen, Mount Calvary AME, Towson,MD.
Reply to  Rev. Guy Nave
6 months ago

The Bible teaches we should never judge others. I choose to mind my own marriage.

Sister Doris Antley-Chisolm
Sister Doris Antley-Chisolm
Reply to  Rev. Guy Nave
6 months ago

I am a 90- year old AME Lay female member since about 1986. I strongly disagree with so called “gay” people especially those ordained as ministers/preacher/pastors/Bishops- performing such unions and being condoned as married. Even I can understand and discern that God doesn’t approve of sex between a woman and woman and man between man. As God’s word teaches and clearly states in the Bible – according to SCRIPTURES. Leviticus 18:22
Romans 1:26-28: such acts are an ABOMINATION and DETESTABLE. So all who consider themselves keepers and ministers of unadjusted and true Word of God, you already know you’re not condoning God’s Word when you agree to and repeal a ban on performing and engaging “gay” unions. Thank you.

Rev. Denzil D. Brumfield
Rev. Denzil D. Brumfield
Reply to  Rev. Guy Nave
6 months ago

Hello everyone I would like to share in this discussion in 1 Timothy 3:15 let us know that the church is the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. So you come as you are but you are not going to remain as you are if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are pass away; behold all things are become new 2 Cor. 5:17 also 1 John 3:10 lets us know that we are not all God’s children but we are a part of God’s creation John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God. so please read 1 Cor. 5:1-13 Paul judged this brother in Christ. 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Titus 2:11-15 here grace teaching us to live Holy so let not try to change the Word of God are His Church but let God in His Word change us in John 8:1-11 Jesus did not condemn the woman but He said go, and sin no more. so in conclusion if God call it sin we need to call it sin there should not be no voting on sin. we should still love the person but hate the sin.

Charles Frederick Sagoe
Charles Frederick Sagoe
Reply to  Rev. Denzil D. Brumfield
6 months ago
Eddie Clark Jr.
Eddie Clark Jr.
Reply to  Rev. Denzil D. Brumfield
5 months ago

Amen 🙏🙏

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