San Francisco’s Bethel AME Church Holds Sistahs Conference
By Rev. Ann Champion Shaw, 5th Episcopal District
Bishop Anne Henning Byfield ministering at the Sistahs Conference Left to Right: The Rev. Cynthia Joseph, the Rev. Loretta Dickerson-Smith, Dr. Lynette Sparkman-Barnes, the Rev. Yolanda Norton, the Rev. Robert R. Shaw,II, the Rev. Ann Champion Shaw, the Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, Dr. Rosalynn Brookins, and Min. Tammi Love The Rev. Ann Champion Shaw, Bishop Anne Henning Byfield, and the Rev. Robert R. Shaw, II
On August 16-17, 2019, Bethel AME Church in San Francisco, where the Rev. Robert Shaw, II is the senior pastor held its Signs and Wonders Sistahs Conference at the Embassy Suites by Hilton San Francisco Airport Waterfront. Our theme was “Signs and Wonders” and was derived from our Episcopal leadership, Bishop Clement W. Fugh and Supervisor Alexia B. Fugh, who cast their vision upon the 5thEpiscopal District, encouraging us to walk in the Season of Pentecost.
Women filled the hotel ballroom and were tremendously blessed as various speakers and presenters from the Bay Area and across the country ministered powerfully. They included Dr. Lynette Sparkman-Barnes, Psy.D, the associate pastor of Grant Chapel AME Church in Kansas City, Kansas, and the Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, the associate minister of St. Paul AME Church in Berkeley, California.
The Preach-HER-thon Service took place on Friday evening and proved to be one of our divine highlights. The four preach-HERS included Minister Tammi Love, the associate minister of Greater Cooper AMEZ Church in Oakland; the Rev. Loretta Dickerson-Smith, the senior pastor of Bethel AME Church in Chico, California; the Rev. Yolanda Norton, the assistant professor of Old Testament and Farlough Chair of Black Studies at San Francisco Theological Seminary; and Dr. Rosalynn Brookins, the senior pastor of Parks Chapel AME Church in Oakland, California. Each preach-HER gave a spirit-filled sermon that was based on a woman in the bible.
God showed up mightily as we were blessed by tow unexpected guests. Between the music of our anointed psalmist, the Rev. June Macon of New Life Fellowship in St. Louis, Missouri, and the preached words, the sacred sound resonated outside of the ballroom as it penetrated the hearts of two female security guards who were outside listening while working that night as hotel employees. They walked in the ballroom and sat unassumingly in the rear. At the end of the service, they came to the front and expressed their desire to give their lives to Christ and join the church. We excitedly spoke and prayed with them. Later that evening, conference participants refreshed with “Water Worship” in the hotel pool.
On Saturday, we opened with prayer; participated in yoga, Walk-in-Worship; and then took in an inspirational session entitled “God’s Trying to Tell You Something”: A Deeper Look at the Book of Jonah. Bishop Anne Henning Byfield, the presiding prelate of the 16th Episcopal District closed us out on a powerful message entitled “Leave Mrs. Job Alone.” We were on a spiritual high and it would overflow into our Sistahs Sunday Morning Worship Service at Bethel, San Francisco.
Bishop Henning Byfield blessed us once again with an anointed word entitled “Thank God for Goliath.” During the invitation to discipleship, the two hotel security guards who gave their lives to Christ on Friday night came to church and walked down the aisle—as promised—along with one of the women’s young daughter. Three other persons also gave their lives to Christ and joined the church that Sunday. We were in awe as signs and wonders took place right before our very eyes.
In Reflection, who would’ve thought that all of this would begin inside a hotel ballroom. While our registrants were inside being blessed by God’s word, those who were on the outside listening in were empowered to come inside and join us. Romans 10:14 is true, “But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?”
Some of us, Sunday after Sunday and service after service, minister and feel discouraged because it seems as though the world is not listening or receiving the Gospel that we preach. We must be encouraged that they’re listening even though their response is delayed. As ministers, it is important for us to stay vigilant in our faith and continue to “proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching” (2 Tim. 4:2).
When we stay on God’s path and remain faithful and true to our call, we’ll discover that eventually, some who are outside will ask, “What must I do to be saved?” Signs and wonders are my prayer for all of our churches. God certainly showed us that at our Sistahs Conference. We can’t wait to experience what God has in store next year.
The Reverend Ann Champions Shaw is the Assistant Pastor of Bethel, San Francisco.