Dr. Brenda Kaye Miller Thompson Observes National Gun Violence Awareness and Prevention Wear Orange Weekend (June 3-5, 2022) in Honor of Her Beloved Son, Cortlandt Gerard Thompson

By Dr. Brenda Thompson, 8th Episcopal District

My beloved son, Cortlandt Gerard Thompson, was a fifth-generation AME. He traveled to all of the AME meetings from infancy as I did with my mother, the late Mrs. Lena Simmons Miller, a third-generation AME, and WMS Life Member. As a highlight, Cortlandt was the youngest observer (4 months old) at the 1981 World Methodist Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, where his parents, the Rev. Dr. Taylor Tyrone Thompson, and Dr. Brenda Kaye Miller Thompson, were members of the AME delegation.

As a baby, he was stricken with neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer, and was given only four months to live. At the age of 11 months old, he had major surgery that took a large portion of his stomach. As he grew older, he went into remission. Growing up, Cortlandt was very active in Pearl Street AME Church. He served as secretary of the Sunday School; as a member of the Young People’s Division (YPD), junior ushers; children/youth choirs, and as an acolyte under the Rev. Johnny Barbour, Jr. He was active in the Pearl Street AME Church Boy Scouts Troop 51; as well as community activities. He received many trophies in karate and basketball. He was a black belt in karate and won many awards as a percussionist.

Cortlandt was an honor student in high school and college. As a Computer Science major at Wilberforce University, he was fortunate to intern with a computer company. Because he started cutting hair at a very young age, he became a licensed barber. Before his death, I was talking with realtors to purchase a building that would house his shop and my boutique. I thought this would be enjoyable for me since I had retired. But the dream ended with my beloved son’s robbery and murder on October 21, 2014.

I am a member of MOMS DEMAND ACTION FOR GUN SENSE IN AMERICA. On June 3, 2022, I wore orange to commemorate National Gun Violence Awareness Day and continued wearing orange throughout the weekend from June 3-5. We are so grateful to Mrs. Shannon Watts, an American gun violence prevention activist, who founded MOMS DEMAND ACTION FOR GUN SENSE IN AMERICA. The murders of the children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut had a significant impact on her. Her organization is very active in ways to reduce gun violence. MOMS DEMAND ACTION is part of EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SAFETY, which is the largest gun violence prevention organization in the United States.

Wear Orange was started several years ago to honor the life of Hadiya Pendleton. This 15-year-old girl was shot and killed in a Chicago park less than a week after performing at President Obama’s second inauguration. Since then, it has become a national movement of people organizing through various means to demand an end to gun violence.

We know that gun violence is a major crisis. The year 2022 has been extremely fearful! According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 233 mass shootings in 2022. Unfortunately, by the time you read this article, this number will have increased. Gun violence, which usually ends in murder, has occurred in various places (churches, schools, homes, grocery stores, medical facilities, parties/concerts, businesses, drive-by shootings, etc.) across the United States. No one is immune to gun violence!

These murders have been devastating and beyond belief to our family members.

More recently, our hearts have been broken into so many pieces that we must seriously end this insanity. I have a tremendous amount of sympathy and empathy for those who have lost loved ones to gun violence. I have had many sleepless nights over these tragedies.

In Uvalde, Texas, an 18-year-old male with an AR-15 murdered 19 precious innocent elementary students at Robb Elementary School, as well as their two teachers. Dr. Roy Guerrero, a local pediatrician in Uvalde, testified to the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Capitol Hill regarding gun violence. I heard his testimony. It was heart-wrenching. He informed us that two of the children’s bodies were so damaged by the bullets that they were decapitated and their flesh ripped apart. They were only recognizable by their clothes. Hearing this brought me to tears. I was so devastated.

In Buffalo, NY, at the Tops Friendly Markets, 10 African Americans were murdered, and three others were injured by an 18-year-old male. He carried a Bushmaster XM-15 rifle. He had a manifesto and is believed to have been influenced by white supremacy and the far-right “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. With his Bushmaster XM-15 rifle, he took the lives of wonderful and hardworking people who were pillars of their community.

I also watched the family members of loved ones who were murdered or injured in Buffalo, NY, testify to the same committee on gun violence. They talked about how important their loved ones were, as well as those who were injured but still alive. They stressed the depth of love shared in their families and their selfless contributions to their community.

I also heard about the shooting at a medical clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where a patient killed his doctor and others because he felt they had caused him additional pain.

Say their names, that we may never forget them!

The 19 Children and Their 2 Teachers Murdered–Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX

Jesus says-“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.        John 14: 1-3

*Nevaeh Alyssa Bravo                                 *Miranda Mathis                   Teachers

*Jacklyn Cazares                                         *Alithia Ramirez

*Makenna Lee Elrod                                   *Annabell Rodriguez              *Mrs. Irma Garcia

*Jose Manuel Flores, Jr.                             *Maite Rodriguez                    *Mrs. Eva Mireles

*Eliana Garcia                                             *Alexandria “Lexi” Rubio

*Uziyah Garcia                                            *Layla Salazar

*Amerie Jo Garza                                        *Jailah Nicole Silguero

*Xavier Lopez                                              *Eliahana Cruz Torres

*Jayce Carmelo Luevanos                          *Rojelio Torres

*Tess Mata

The 10 Adults Murdered in Tops Friendly Markets–Buffalo, NY

*Ms. Celestine Chaney                                *Mr. Heyward “Tenny” Patterson

*Ms. Roberta Drury                                     *Mr. Aaron Salter, Jr.

*Mr. Andre Mackniel                                  *Ms. Geraldine Talley

*Ms. Katherine “Kat” Massey                    *Ms. Ruth Whitfield

*Mr. Margus D. Morrison                           *Ms. Pearl Young

The 4 Adults Murdered in a Medical Facility–Tulsa, OK

*Dr. Preston Phillips                                    *Ms. Amanda Glenn

*Dr. Stephanie Husen

*Mr. William Love

And all the many others who have been murdered due to gun violence!

It is time to prove to the United States Congress, especially the Senators, that enough is enough! This gun violence must come to an end. Our laws to end this insanity must be strong to make a difference; if they are not, then this insanity will continue and destroy us and our country.

We must do more than offer thoughts and prayers! So, please let us do whatever we can to save our children, ourselves, and our country before it is too late! May God help us all, and may He comfort those who grieve!

Dr. Brenda Kaye Miller Thompson is a fourth-generation AME, Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) Life Member, and a Life Member/Golden Soror of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She is an active member of Pearl Street AME Church in Jackson, Mississippi.



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