Business Session 10

By Dr. Aaron Treadwell, Contributing Writer

Session 10 opens with Bishop Silvester S. Beaman, Presiding

Substitute Motion on Floor: Church Annuity Matching Bishops Retirement Costs 

It was moved to amend the budget to remove the retirement match of the general church for bishops and general officers in the budget on page 12, note 11. This is on substitute motion. Bishop Fugh noted that this is not a double dipping situation, but mirrors what happens with every local church, and every pastor, who receives contributions for the annuity. The additional conversation commenced concerning the stance of the motion, whereas the conversation concluded at the thirty-minute mark. The voting began with electronic devices, and the results were as follows: the substitute motion was defeated 524 (Yes) to 962 (No). The “Church Annuity Matching Bishop Retirement” program remains.

Department of Finances

CFO Marcus Henderson was on the floor to address the budget. In response, Henderson asks for latitude concerning record security and seeks to explain concerns. It was addressed on a point of order that “members of the body were not to address other members of the body.” The point was received and Henderson ceased his point.

Report of the Budget 

CFO Marcus Henderson remained on the floor to give the general budget report. The projected budget allocation within each district (1-20), received a 2.7% increase of budget allocation. It was also noted that any current audit is “essentially unqualified,” as there will be a 25% cut in the budget. Going line by line on the floor is going to be elongated in time.” The motion was moved by Dr. Henderson, and seconded by Green of the 2nd Episcopal District.

Bishop Leath noted unreadiness and argued that the budget was not presented at the Annual Board and that we do not have an adaptable budget. Instead, it was noted that we have a fixed budget because we don’t want adaptation without appropriate protocols. 

Mark Griffin of the 11th Episcopal District stood to submit a sample resolution. This resolution believed the current budget to be inadequate, needed revision, and add steps of checks and balances. The resolution can be found in the AME Meetings Application.

The conversation is paused, for the Episcopal Committee.

Episcopal Committee Report

Dr. Houston Dickens provides the fifth time report this Quadrennium. The following Bishops are determined worthy to serve: Bishops Wilfred Jacobus Messiah, Paul J.M. Kawimbe, James Levert Davis, David R. Daniels, Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green Sr., Jeffrey N. Leath, Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Harry L. Seawright, Michael L. Mitchell, Brailsford, Stafford J. N. Wicker, Silvester S. Beaman, Marvin C. Zanders, Francine A. Brookings, and Frederick Wright. The following Bishops’ retirement requests have been satisfied: Adam J. Richardson; Jr, Julius H. McAllister, Sr.; John F. White, Sr.; Clement, W. Fugh; E. Anne Henning Byfield; and Frank M. Reid, III. Bishop E. Earl McCloud, Jr.’s request for the location was granted. With Bishop Messiah’s restoration to active service, six Bishops will be elected. Thus ends the Episcopal committee report.

Return to Resolution on Budget

Dr. Griffin returns to address his proposed resolution. He mentions that this was a suggestion and not a formal resolution. “It would need to go to the appropriate committee to be resolved.”

In response, it was asked on the floor if the increase of 2.7% in the budget is paying our own selves back, or something that is going to get rid of the debt owed. It was reported to be the former. In response, a substitute motion was put on the floor to remove 2.7% from the budget. It was seconded, and a vote was conducted with an electronic device. 

First Vote to End Debate on the Amendment

The results of the vote are as follows: Yes (1344) V. No (219). The Debate Ends and the floor is now preparing for the Substitute Motion.

Substitute motion by Pastor Anthony Steele substitute motion to remove the addition of a 2.7% increase in this particular budget

The vote is conducted with an electronic device. The results of the vote were as follows: Yes (573) V. No (984). The Amendment has been defeated, and the 2.7% budget increase remains.

Vote to Receive Budget

Henderson’s motion is back on the floor, and the vote will use an electronic device. The results were as follows: Yes (845) V. No (730). The motion for the budget passes.

Bishop Beaman’s time in the seat is not completed, and a recess is taken. 

Session 10 now re-opens with Bishop Marvin Zanders presiding.

Department of Statistics and Finances

Dr. Henderson requests more time to report on statistics and finances. The reasoning is that legal aspects need to first be presented. Until then, it cannot be done. Latitude is received from Bishop Zanders.

Sexual Ethics Discernment Committee Report

The sexual ethics discernment committee report is given by Dr. Teresa Fry Brown. The summary was provided in PowerPoint, which can be founding the AME Meetings Application. Within the report were discussions of theological standards in and outside the denomination, theological grounding of marriage, and myths within the ecumenical church. Meetings were held through Zoom because it was supposed to be not at the cost of the church. There were 11 plenary Zoom meetings, and 3 work groups (biblical studies/interpretation; cultural hermeneutics; sociology, psychology, social work, anthropology, education, pastoral care. Finally, the most recent meeting was at Convo XX, where 90 persons were present and spoke together. The results were reported as such: The committee developed resources for full church discussion; the committee created the verbiage for proposed legislation bill 16; and a resolution was established for continued work in the AME Church concerning sexual ethics. The report was received for educational purposes. 

Revisions Committee

Legislation on “Same-Sex Marriage” was now brought to the floor. It was noted that a motion was brought forward to delete. The reasoning was stated that the proposal has the potential to curb AMEC, and exegesis is a complication, even under great sensitivities. In contrast, it was argued deleting the legislation would create a culture of theological oppression. A motion was put on the floor by Frederick Sherrod to end the debate.

Frederick Sherrod – Moved the Previous Question (End Debate)

The vote was conducted with electronic devices. The results were as follows: Yes (847) V No (738). Debating on “same-sex” marriage legislation has now been completed. 

Motion to Delete the Bill

It was moved and seconded to receive the motion to Delete the Bill on “Same-Sex Marriage.” The vote was conducted with electronic devices. The results were as follows: Yes (896) V. No (722). The motion has been passed, and the “Same Sex Marriage” legislation amendment has been deleted.

Resolution for Ad Hoc AME Sexual Ethics Discernment Committee

A motion has been made to continue the work of sexual ethics up to the 2025-2028 quadrennium. It was seconded, and a vote was taken on electronic devices. The results were as follows: Yes (1042) V. No (507). The motion has been passed, and the ‘sexual ethics discernment committee” will continue to work. 

Dr. Jimmy Miller Retirement

Dr. Miller made it known that parliamentary procedure was missed and that he needed to formally request a general conference to accept his retirement. With common consent, the conference approved the motion, and Miller is now retired as an Episcopal officer.

The time is now 1:58 PM EST, and session 10 is adjourned.  



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Randall Lewis Hughes
Randall Lewis Hughes
12 days ago

Revisions Committee

My questions: Has the text that was added in 2004 been deleted? Or has the effort to remove the 2004 language failed?

Legislation on “Same-Sex Marriage” was now brought to the floor. It was noted that a motion was brought forward to delete. The reasoning was stated that the proposal has the potential to curb AMEC, and exegesis is a complication, even under great sensitivities. In contrast, it was argued deleting the legislation would create a culture of theological oppression. A motion was put on the floor by Frederick Sherrod to end the debate.

Frederick Sherrod – Moved the Previous Question (End Debate)

The vote was conducted with electronic devices. The results were as follows: Yes (847) V No (738). Debating on “same-sex” marriage legislation has now been completed. 

Motion to Delete the Bill

It was moved and seconded to receive the motion to Delete the Bill on “Same-Sex Marriage.” The vote was conducted with electronic devices. The results were as follows: Yes (896) V. No (722). The motion has been passed, and the “Same Sex Marriage” legislation amendment has been deleted.

My questions: Has the text that was added in 2004 been deleted? Or has the effort to remove the 2004 language failed?

LaDonna Brody
LaDonna Brody
13 days ago

Rev Miller had and has the expertise, connections and abilities to correct the “whistle blowing “ conditions he inherited
He pulled together a great team to help make necessary changes
I was so sorry he could not complete what he started. God is in control. I know his family and his character as well as their God given dedications. He grew up in Greater Institutional AME, where his father was our Presiding Elder. His accomplishments in Du Page could/can only be guided by the God he worships and acknowledges. I hope the conference appreciated his leadership in a difficult situation

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