Bishop Brailsford, Sr has arrived in the Mother land

The 19th Episcopal District has eagerly awaited the arrival of Bishop Ronnie Elijah Brailsford, Sr and Supervisor, the Rev. Carolyn Elizabeth Irvin Brailsford since his assignment to the District at the previous General Conference.

His flight landed on schedule at 16h55, with all immigration and COVID protocols done, he emerged at 17h46 boasting his tall yet humble stature. The receiving team included Presiding Elders MA Mexico and Elder FJ Manganye, President and Secretary respectively of the Presiding Elders’ council. Also in attendance was Rev. MF Manganye, Rev. GP Lesito – 19th Episcopal District Field Reporter, Mother Z Ntloko – President of MSWAWO+PK’s and Sis. J Hlahasoane -President of CMLF.

In her prayer, Rev. FJ Manganye thanked God for the Bishop’s safe travels in spite of him arriving without the Supervisor. She petitioned God for the blessings upon the Bishop and the Supervisor’s leadership of the 19th District and the coming Mid-Year Session. To God be the Glory.

The Bishop was introduced to those present and continued to greet all. Albeit showing signs of flight fatigue, he exclaimed how excited he was to finally be in the Mother land since his first arrival in the country in 1996.

Rev. GP Lesito

19th Episcopal District Field Reporter



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