When We Pray

When We Pray

When We Pray

By Emmaya Swift, Connectional YPD Historiographer/Statistician

Life, as we know it, may not ever be the same but one thing that remains the same is God’s love. God has kept us and continues to keep us. He is still doing amazing things even in these trying times. Through the good and bad, we must keep God first and be grateful in spite of it all. 

It is important that we—as God’s children—remain prayed up. We must remember to be hopeful and optimistic that he will bring us through, regardless of what it seems. We cannot give up on God because he won’t give up on us. 

We must remember the power of prayer. I am a firm believer that prayer still works. We must remember that when we pray, we receive guidance and direction. When we pray, we grow our personal relationship with God. When we pray, we hand over all of our concerns to God. When we pray, we can be at peace. When we pray, we can gain confidence from the One who created us. When we pray, we can be healed. Most importantly, when we pray, our Father hears us. He said in his word that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Continue to stay prayed up church family. Stay encouraged, stay in the spirit, and stay motivated. He is not through with us yet

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