Let Innovation Continue

Let Innovation Continue

Let Innovation Continue

John Wm. Roberts, ED.D., Contributing Writer

With infections down, vaccinations on the rise the ability to congregate increasing, what happens within the music ministries of the church? Where do we go? What do we do? These are questions many church music directors and musicians are asking? Do we go back to the same way of doing things before the pandemic? The old proverb states “Necessity is the mother of invention.” The pandemic brought about interesting and effective ways of worship – Zoom worship services, conference call worship services, drive-in worship services. The music ministry adapted to these new innovations. These methods connected with congregants in ways unimaginable. The beauty of the music remained, only the delivery changed. These innovations can continue to be used even as churches are opening their doors to congregants. 

Music is a mission! The new innovations can be used to reach congregants who are unable to physically come back to worship. Think of the people reached through the innovative services employed during the height of the pandemic. Think of the joy the service and music brought to those confined in their places of residence. Why can’t this continue as the pandemic is waning? Music departments can have weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Zoom events where music is the focus. The music can be structured around specific themes or events, such as traditional gospel, hymns which are not used as frequently. There are myriad ways these events can reach many. This is part of the mission of any music department. Departments can join forces with other departments and showcase the varieties of music being used in churches around the area. This could bring about a closer cooperation among church music departments. 

Music continues to change and to grow! The methods of delivery must change/grow! The innovations/inventions came about as a need to the situation. Let music departments and musicians continue to stretch their spiritual and artistic boundaries and continue to bring the beauty and joy of music to all who need and appreciate God’s glory, compassion, love and grace through religions universal medium…Music! 

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