Connectional AME WIM Off to A Roaring Start

Connectional AME WIM Off to A Roaring Start

Connectional AME WIM Off to A Roaring Start

With over 600 participants in attendance, the first post-General Conference Connectional AME Church Women in Ministry (AMEWIM) General Membership Meeting convened on Saturday, September 11, 2021, by our second term president, the Rev. Dr. Erika D. Crawford, DMin. Due to ongoing safety concerns related to the ongoing coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually. AMEWIM General Membership Meetings will be held on quarterly (12/11/21, 3/12/22, and 6/11/22).

AMEWIM was delighted to welcome our new Commission Chair, the 142nd elected and consecrated bishop in the life and work of the AME Church, Bishop Frederick A. Wright, Sr., who brought greetings to the body. As the son of the first female presiding elder appointed in the continental United States, the Rev. Cornelia Wright, Bishop Wright is sensitive to the challenges of women in ministry and is apt to help chart the course of our work for the remainder of the quadrennium. 

The Connectional Executive Board elected to serve in leadership are: the Rev. Dr. Erika D. Crawford, Connectional President; the Rev. Dr. Ammie Davis, Connectional First Vice-President; the Rev. Joelynn T. Stokes, Esq., Connectional Second Vice-President; the Rev. Tyronda Howse Burgess, Connectional Third Vice-President; the Rev. Dr. Louise Jackson, General Secretary; the Rev. Bettye J. Watson, Communications Secretary; the Rev. Robin Truitt, Connectional Financial Secretary; the Rev. Angelique Mason, Connectional Treasurer; the Rev. Carolyn Baskin Bell, Connectional Herstorigrapher; the Rev. Dr. Emily Pardue, Connectional Director of Liturgy & Worship; and the Rev. Mamphethe Beatrice Motokoa (PE), Central Southern Africa Coordinator. 

We were blessed by the Rev. Sandra Smith Blair’s presentation on the Herstory of AMEWIM leadership. Dr. Crawford admonished the assembly to be selective in its election of leadership at all levels as elections have consequences—even AME elections.  Therefore, she emphasized that leadership should (1) exhibit a commitment to AMEWIM and its directives; (2) engage advocacy and action as it relates to women in ministry; (3) seek allies and create access to resources; (4) participate at every level of AMEWIM; and (5) understand the historical and practical movements of the church. Dr. Crawford was careful to note that AMEWIM is not a women’s club but a ministry that takes seriously its objectives. AMEWIM were also encouraged to support each other and to view our male colleagues as allies and not enemies. 

The Rev. Joelynn T. Stokes, Esq., addressed the changes to the AMEWIM Bylaws passed at the 51stQuadrennial Session of the General Conference, which mainly expanded the eligibility of women to serve in WIM leadership. The newly constituted AMWIM Executive Board, elected at the seat of the 51st Session of the General Conference, and the Connectional Standing Committees were introduced to the assembly. The AMWIM Executive Board will officially be installed during a transitional meeting held on October 1, 2021. Once the Executive Board has been installed and takes office, the Quadrennial theme will be published. 

AMEWIM encourages all clergy to join us on the fourth Monday of each month for our Maximizing Ministry Mentoring Sessions. In addition, if you are interested in learning more about the purpose of AMEWIM and/or are interested in supporting AMEWIM through our programs, paying of connectional dues, purchasing apparel, or downloading of archives, please proceed to our newly launched website

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