CLO Historiographer Attends Thinking Like a Historian Workshop

CLO Historiographer Attends Thinking Like a Historian Workshop

CLO Historiographer Attends Thinking Like a Historian Workshop

William (Bill) Ayers

On Saturday, August 26, 2023, the Connectional Lay Organization (CLO) Historiographer William (Bill) Ayers attended a workshop sponsored by the Smithsonian Associates.  This workshop was designed to increase the knowledge level of persons interested in obtaining historical information and communicating the same to others.  I was fortunate to have been selected as an attendee.  The class was six hours, beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m.

Dr. Christopher Hamner, Associate Professor of History at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, led this practical guide to history.  In 2013, Dr. Hamner received an Award for Teaching Excellence from George Mason.

More than 150 people attended the workshop and were mesmerized as Dr. Hamner guided us through “Historical Thinking Skills and How Historians Think About Cause and Effect.”  The dialogue between the Instructor and the attendees was thought-provoking and historically stimulating.  I am certain that I will be able to apply the skills that I received as I continue to help the CLO appreciate the rich history of our Zion and embrace the impact of this storehouse of information as we honor our past.

As an appropriate conclusion for this exciting learning occasion, I was honored to meet Sis. Sheila Vance, the great, great, great, grand niece of our founder, Bishop Richard Allen.  Sister Vance attends an African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, District of Columbia.  We were the only two African-American attendees, and we have vowed to keep in touch as we move the CLO forward.

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